What determines the capability of GIS?

What determines the capability of GIS?

Adjacency and Distance. One main capability of a GIS is to measure distances between objects and to identify whether objects are adjacent to one another. The use of coordinate systems in GIS makes distance measures relatively simple to accomplish, taking into account the sophistication of scale and projection issues.

Which of the following does not determine the capability of GIS?

Which among the following is not related to GIS software’s? Explanation: GIS involves a different procedure which consists of several steps. So it requires a high end processing system and a software, which must adapt to its capability. Among them, STAAD Pro is not used in case of GIS.

What is the most accurate coordinate system?

Web Mercator is a common projected coordinate system designed for web mapping applications. Most of Esri’s basemaps are tiled in Web Mercator, so they can have the greatest compatibility. However, this projection does not preserve areas, distances, or angles.

Which of the following act a benefit of GIS?

Which of the following acts a benefit of GIS? Solution: There are a lot of advantages regarding the usage of GIS. They include maintaining geo spatial data, value added products, productivity and efficiency of data, can save time and money etc.

Which is an example of a geodesic path?

The example we saw was a very simple derivation of a geodesic path on a sphere. For more complicated geometries, it is more useful to turn to differential geometry. In differential geometry, we denote the relationship between the distance and the coordinate system by the metric tensor

Which is the best introduction to GIS modeling?

Major introductions to the field such as C. Dana Tomlin’s Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling (1990), Jeffrey Star and John Estes’s Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction (1990), and Keith Clarke’s Analytical and Computer Cartography (1990) barely mention the issue.

How does positional error affect the accuracy of GIS?

Positional error is often of great concern in GIS, but error can actually affect many different characteristics of the information stored in a database. 3.1. Positional accuracy and precision

Why is the geodesic path shorter at the Poles?

A key point are that travelling laterally, by the same angle is shorter when we are closer to the poles. This result would prove important in understanding why the geodesic path looks that way.
