What did the Commodore PET do?

What did the Commodore PET do?

The result was Commodore’s first mass-market personal computer, the PET, the first model of which was the PET 2001. Its 6502 processor controlled the screen, keyboard, cassette tape recorders and any peripherals connected to one of the computer’s several expansion ports.

What year did the Commodore PET come out?

In 1977, Commodore introduced the PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) home/personal computer. Appearing before either the Apple II or the Radio Shack TRS80, it was among the first personal computers. The PET 2001, Commodore’s first model, included 4 kilobytes of memory, cost $495, and was fully functional out the box.

Who invented Commodore PET?

Commodore International
Commodore PET/Manufacturers

What is PET computer?

(Personal Electronic Transactor computer) A CP/M and floppy disk-based personal computer introduced in 1977 by Commodore. It was one of the first personal computers along with the Apple II and Radio Shack’s TRS-80.

How do I get a browser pet?


  1. Download the browser-pet.zip.
  2. Unzip the folder.
  3. Turn on “Developer Mode”
  4. Click the “Load unpacked”
  5. Choose the folder unzipped.
  6. Profit! 🎉

How much RAM did the Commodore PET have?

Model: PET 2001
Released: June 1977
Price: US $795
CPU: MOS 6502, 1MHz
RAM: 4K, later 8K

What three PCs were released in 1977?

The personal computer industry truly began in 1977, with the introduction of three preassembled mass-produced personal computers: Apple Computer, Inc.’s (now Apple Inc.) Apple II, the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80, and the Commodore Business Machines Personal Electronic Transactor (PET).

What were computers like in 1977?

The first of several personal computers released in 1977, the PET comes fully assembled with either 4 or 8 KB of memory, a built-in cassette tape drive, and a membrane keyboard. The PET was popular with schools and for use as a home computer. It used a MOS Technologies 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz.

Who owns Commodore computers?

It started in 1954 as a typewriter company and moved through pocket calculators to home computers such as the Commodore Pet, Vic-20, Commodore 64 (pictured) and the Amiga. The company ran into trouble as the PC revolution took off and, in 1997, the brand was bought by Dutch computer maker Tulip.

Can I have a virtual pet?

Sometimes you can’t get a real pet but you can have a virtual one. These are a subset of the simulation genre where you adopt, feed, clean, and take care of a little virtual pet.

How do I get a virtual pet on Google?

See that “View in 3D” button? That’s your AR link in Google Search. Click on it, then a viewer will appear showing where you can place your virtual animal. Move your phone around as it instructs, so it can scan your floor.

When was the IBM PC invented?

August 12, 1981
IBM Personal Computer/Introduced

Are there any problems with the Commodore PET 2001?

In either case, it is a useful tool: Before troubleshooting a Commodore PET 2001, it is essential to note that the process will involve repeatedly turning the computer off and on. This is extremely hard on the internal monitor circuitry and can cause it to fail in short order.

What kind of expansion board does the Commodore PET use?

Google is your friend here, but some of my favorites are listed below. The PETvet – This is an expansion board that mounts between the CPU and the motherboard of the PET. It allows you to bypass the RAM and/or ROM on the PET motherboard.

What should the voltage be on a Commodore PET?

Just measure the voltage between the middle pin (ground) and the lower pin (+5V) of each of the four voltage regulators with the PET turned on. Each voltage should be in the range of 4.8 to 5.2V with less then about 50mV of ripple.

Why is my Commodore PET video mixer not working?

The simplest way to do this is to use one of my Commodore PET Video Mixers to (temporarily) replace it with a standard external composite video monitor. Apple II or Commodore 64 monitors work well for this. If the problem is with the internal monitor, it is most likely due to bad electrolytic capacitors on the monitor board.