What do I change to render an animation of 60 fps?

What do I change to render an animation of 60 fps?

You will need to adjust the Frame Start and Frame End settings for the render to accommodate for this change. The decision is yours on which one to use,but in either case you need to re-render and bake the simulations again. What you want to do is impossible.

Can a video be rendered at 24 fps?

What you want to do is impossible. If you render an animation at 24 fps, then the only way to make the video look natural (not sped up or slowed down), is to play them back at a rate of 24 images a second. What you are trying to do is play them back at 60 fps, but you only generated enough images to play them back at 24 fps.

When to render at 60fps or higher in Blender?

If your goal is to have more frames to be able to stretch the playback and generate “slow motion” or speed ramps without having to interpolate frames, then render the animation at 60fps or higher and play back at 24 fps so that those 60 frames will play over two and a half seconds (roughly)

How can I change the frame rate without changing overall animation speed?

If you want the whole animation to run twice as fast you set the old to 100 and new to 50. To make the animation last twice as long (slower) map old to 100 and new to 200. The most straightforward solution I have found is to render the animation to JPG or PNG and then import those images into the video sequence editor.

How long is a 15 fps rendering in Photoshop?

All three renderings are 58 seconds long, and essentially play at the same speed. The 15 FPS rendering uses only half the frames, skipping every other frame. The 10 FPS rendering is using a third of the frames, skipping two frames between each.

What happens when you change the framerate of an animation?

If you set Old to be 100 and and new to be 200 your animation will play back in more frames within the same framerate. A second of the original animation will occur over two seconds now, creating two seconds worth of frames. You will need to adjust the Frame Start and Frame End settings for the render to accommodate for this change.