What do the ping results mean?

What do the ping results mean?

Ping (latency is the technically more correct term) means the time it takes for a small data set to be transmitted from your device to a server on the Internet and back to your device again. The ping time is measured in milliseconds (ms).

What are good ping results?

Ping amounts of 100 ms and below are average for most broadband connections. In gaming, any amounts below a ping of 20 ms are considered exceptional and “low ping,” amounts between 50 ms and 100 ms range from very good to average, while a ping of 150 ms or more is less desirable and deemed “high ping.”

What is a successful ping?

A successful ping typically indicates that the z/OS® system can communicate with the printer; however, you might receive a successful ping even though the IP address of the TCP/IP-attached printer is a duplicate of another IP address. Enter the ping command again from the z/OS system. …

What do Ping results mean to me?

Ping is a networking utility program or a tool to test if a particular host is reachable . It is a diagnostic that checks if your computer is connected to a server. Ping, a term taken from the echo location of a submarine, sends data packet to a server and if it receives a data packet back, then you have a connection.

What do the Ping results indicate?

Ping or sometimes known as latency is one of 3 primary results in most online internet connection speed test. It’s the reaction time of the connection, measuring how quickly data travels from a device to another in a network and how quickly the device gets a response from the internet after it sends out a request.

What do Ping results mean from a server?

PING (Packet Internet Groper) command is used to check the network connectivity between host and server/host. This command takes as input the IP address or the URL and sends a data packet to the specified address with the message “PING” and get a response from the server/host this time is recorded which is called latency.

How can I tell what my Ping is?

To find out your ping on a server, check for a Ping column in the game’s server browser, or on the scoreboard. Some games don’t show an actual ping figure, they may have a meter or a warning, perhaps with a particular color, where green typically stands for a good (low) ping and red stands for a bad (high) ping.