What does ARES mean in ham radio?

What does ARES mean in ham radio?

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). These services consist of licensed amateur radio operators who are trained to provide radio communications services to civil and government agencies in times of emergency.

What is the difference between ARES and races?

ARES is activated before, during and after an emergency. RACES, on the other hand, almost never starts before an emergency and is active only during the emergency and during the immediate aftermath if government emergency management offices need communications support.

What do races and ARES have in common?

What do RACES and ARES have in common? RACES – Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (only active during periods of local, regional or national civil emergencies, such as hurricane Katrina.) What is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service?

How do I join ARES?

ARES: You can register as an ARES volunteer simply by filling out the form and mailing it to the ARRL. You also need to join a local ARES team to participate in training and exercises. The easiest way to find out about the ARES organization in your area is to contact your ARRL section manager.

What does Ares races stand for?

Amateur Radio Emergency Service
“ARES” ® and “Amateur Radio Emergency Service” ® are registered trademarks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and are used by permission.

How can a HAM radio help in an emergency?

Ham radio operators can provide voice and data communication in these scenarios. Ham radio operators may be used remotely at auxiliary command posts, emergency shelters, evacuation sites, emergency operations centers, medical facilities, police and fire stations, and public works sites.

What are Ares repeaters?

Repeaters, even ARES, RACES and Skywarn, are all run by individuals or amateur radio clubs. They own the repeater, they control what can/cannot be done on them.

What is an accepted practice for an amateur operator who has checked into a net?

Which of the following is an accepted practice for an amateur operator who has checked into a net? In an emergency, the Net Control operator is making a list of who has checked in, with the intention or at least the possibility of calling on them later. Until dismissed, it’s expected that you remain on frequency.

What is the limitation for emissions on the frequencies between 219 and 220 MHz?

The segment of the 1.25-meter band from 219-220 MHz is restricted to digital message forwarding only. For all amateur allocations above 220 MHz, there are no other sub-bands! Table 5-5 shows all of the subdivisions of amateur bands through 23 cm.

What is a ARES repeater?

What is a race radio?

PLMR – Private Land Mobile Radio (Race Radios), Commercial frequencies operated in the 150MHz and 160-170MHz regions. In order to operate on these frequencies, you must purchase a license explicitly for that frequency, to be used for business purposes.

What can be done with a ham radio?

So what can you do with an Amateur Radio license?

  • Talk to people in foreign countries.
  • Talk to people (both local and far away) on your drive to work.
  • Help in emergencies and natural disasters by providing communications.
  • Provide communications in parades or walkathons and other public service events.

What do you need to be a member of Ares?

Because ARES is an Amateur Radio program, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement for membership. Fill out the ARES Registration form and submit it to your local Emergency Coordinator. Volunteers Wanted!

What does Ares stand for in emergency category?

Frequently, members of local ARES groups in the U.S. are registered with local government Emergency Management agencies to permit operations under the RACES rules, if ever needed. This allows continuation of operation during times of declared emergency when normal amateur operations might be prohibited.

Who are the local ARES groups working with?

Local ARES groups work with local governments. Section ARES groups work with state or county governments. ARRL works with the federal government. • There are many non-government affiliated organizations, including: the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and faith-based organizations.

Do you need a go kit for Ares?

In addition to personal Go Kits, volunteers may also need to bring their long-term Deployment Kits. • A local ARES group may sign a Memorandum of Understanding with a local government agency or the MOU may be between an ARRL section to the state government.