What does international global EU version mean when looking at smartphones?

What does international global EU version mean when looking at smartphones?

1 Answer. 1. It’s the ROM version installed on the phone indicating the region. Manufacturers ship different ROMs depending on the region. Someone living in Europe will have a different ROM than one living in Africa or Asia.

What does EU version phone mean?

EU Phones are configured for EU countries other than the UK. The configuration may be different from devices configured for the UK market. The EU Phone may not be available in a UK configuration and the price may differ from the UK model.

What does global version mean when buying a phone?

1. What is the global version of the phone? Global version phone is xiaomi specifically tailored for overseas markets mobile phones,It is more suitable for foreign users to use habits.

What is a global version of a cell phone?

Global cell phones are usually tri-band or quad-band phones loaded with a special international SIM card. These international SIM cards offer the advantage of a single phone number without expensive international roaming charges.

What is the difference between EU and global?

The EU Version and Global Version are identical in terms of the hardware. It is the software that slightly differs. If you buy a ‘EU’ version it will have the Xiaomi EU Rom installed. The ‘Global’ version has the Xiaomi Global Rom installed.

What is the difference between Iphone 11 international version and Middle East version?

It’s simple, in the Middle East variant FaceTime App becomes hidden (When the regional SIM card is inserted) when used in a country like UAE where it’s blocked. But on international variant Facetime app is always visible and iOS does not hide it. HK variant also doesn’t hide the FaceTime app.

What is the difference between EU version and global version?

But generally speaking, the international and global variants are unlocked phones (not carrier branded) which will work on most standard GSM and LTE networks. The ‘EU version’ could indicate that the phone has a regional European firmware installed and would also most likely carry a slightly different model number.

What is the difference between an unlocked phone and an international phone?

Unlocked versions should be able to activated on any carrier. The international version doesn’t quite support all of the bands that US carriers use, but almost all of them. For example, on AT the international version doesn’t support it’s newest 2.3 Ghz frequency, but supports the rest.

Which is better global version or China version?

Basically, 2 main differences: 1) Global ROM vs China ROM: Global ROM supports more languages whereas the China ROM has fewer (English is supported). 2) 4G/5G Bands: Global version of the phone supports more bands than the China version.

What is the difference between global version phone?

Global Version is with original Offcial Global ROM which can support Multi-languages, Google Play and OTA update. Normally if the phone is Global Version, you can see “Global Version” label on the box as below picture. But sometimes there will be some Global Version phones with US or UK charger in the box.

Will EU version phones work in Australia?

As Amo says, yes the phone will work. Our mobile network frequencies are the same. Your usual provider may have a good roaming plan, like Three from the UK. Otherwise you should get a local sim card at the airport.

What is the difference between Xiaomi Chinese and global version?

Simple: the only one difference between the two are Google services or GMS which are clearly present only on the Global model. If this is really the only real difference, then it means that it is because of them that the Mi 11 Global does not reach the same scores as the China.

What’s the difference between global and EU version?

The Xiaomi Mi A1 and A2/Lite Android One phones had only the Global firmware version. Since the release of the Mi A3, it seems Xiaomi has created two firmware variants, Global and European. EU versions have appeared for most phones models sold internationally, this is because European regulations have requirements that don’t exist outside

Is there a difference between global ROM and EU ROM?

Your ROM is fake.. Your ROM is fake.. Click to expand… Please could you give more detailed info on how you resolved your issue. I have a “fake” rom on my phone and will need to remove it when an offical global ROM becomes available (I see little point in risking a brick just to get an EU ROM from here that will not get OTA).

Is there a global version of Xiaomi Phone?

There are no uniform “Global” or “International” version definition, Xiaomi doesn’t do that. Vendor sometimes say it’s Global or International because it has official global ROM, other times it’s because the hardware is from a version selling outside China with say different LTE bands or other characteristics.

Are there different versions of MIUI in different countries?

MIUI Global ROM offers a customized experience in few regions including India, Russia, Europe, and Indonesia, and so Global Stable ROMs rolled out for the same smartphone in these countries are different and users should be careful while flashing the ROM manually.