What does Pavucontrol do for PulseAudio sound server?

What does Pavucontrol do for PulseAudio sound server?

PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a simple GTK based volume control tool (“mixer”) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of hardware devices and of each playback stream separately.

Where do I find pavucontrol on my computer?

Click the icon to the right of the lock button. Pavucontrol lets users manipulate an input device, as well as outputs. To find your audio input devices in the app, click the “Input devices” tab. In the “Input devices” tab, you’ll see all microphones and sound recording devices in a neat list.

How can I lower the volume on Pavucontrol?

Open up Pavucontrol, and click the “Recording” tab. In the recording area, you’ll see every program currently recording sound through the Pulse sound system. To lower the input volume for an app, drag the slider to the left. To increase volume drag the slider to the right.

Which is the volume control tool for PulseAudio?

PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a volume control tool (“mixer”) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to classic mixer tools, this one allows you to control both the volume of hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. There can now be only one pavucontrol window open at a time.

How to unload all modules in PulseAudio loopback?

If things get out of hand, you can always restart by running pactl unload-module (for each module you just made.!For loops.) (bash-for) (If you forgot them, use pactl list modules to find them again.) The following line will unload every module from 52 to 56. If you need to skip a few, you can hand-pick the numbers like this:

How to improve volume control in PulseAudio 4.0?

Added a “Show volume meters” checkbox to the Configuration tab. Disabling the volume meters reduces CPU use. Improve the use of space (remove useless margins and paddings). Use a more appropriate icon for the channel lock button. Better channel label layout, prevents volume sliders from getting unaligned.

How to create a virtual sink in PulseAudio?

Use pactl load-module to create the virtual sinks and loopbacks. In our example, we used the commands: For each loopback, name the sink that should be its input, or at least one that isn’t what you will make the output. (Why?) (why-inp-out)