What does RRR mean in FT8?

What does RRR mean in FT8?

A Typical FT8 QSO

A Typical FT8 QSO
“IZ1M KI7PO RRR” KI7PO tells IZ1M, “Reception Report Received” (This can also be shortened to “RR73” indicating, “Report Received 73,” which would be a completed QSO)
“KI7PO IZ1M 73” IZ1M says “Best regards” (“73”)

How many watts does a FT8 use?

I usually run about 10-20 watts. I’ve bumped it up to as much as 50 but I really don’t see that much difference in signal reports say between 30-50 so to keep the radio happy I run much less. I actually have the most fun just running 5 watts.

Why are all the CQ ru…on FT8 today?

There’s a FT8 “contest” this weekend. Click to expand… Yep…they are rounding up all the unskilled (FT8) operators. QSY to the WARC bands. VK6APZ and K6CLS like this. They have their own prescribed areas in the band plans. Good enough for me, turn the knob. W4JHU and ND6M like this. Why all the CQ RU… on FT8 today? Does RU mean Russia?

How often can a station be worked on FT8?

Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band, regardless of mode. Automated operation is not permitted, each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.

What happens if the clock on FT8 is wrong?

Accurate timing is quite important for FT8: if your computer clock is wrong by more than a second or so, you will probably experience problems e.g. few responses to your CQs, or seemingly being ignored whenever you call others. If your computer is Internet-connected, its easy to check the clock by browsing the Time.is website.

Who is the author of FT8 operating tips?

Title FT8 operating tips Author by Gary Hinson ZL2iFB Subject HF DXing tips for the new digital mode, Keywords FT8; HF; DX Created Date 4/6/2018 7:59:52 PM