What does VF mean on a battery?

What does VF mean on a battery?

1. Vf is called the “forward voltage” of the LED. What that means is that is that you need to apply a certain voltage across the LED to get a certain amount of current flow.

What is VF in electrical?

Vf is the term used for the LEDs forward voltage. It is the voltage required to activate the LED and produce the output specified, assuming that it is drawing the recommended current.

What is SoC in Li ion battery?

Lithium-Ion State of Charge (SoC) measurement made by coulomb counting allow a measurement error of less than 1%, which allows a very accurate indication of the energy remaining in the battery.

What is VF stand for?

Acronym Definition
VF Very Fine
VF Ventricular Fibrillation
VF Valley Forge (Pennsylvania)
VF Vodafone (UK)

What does 88vf mean?

VF (Pin 7) VF is an input pin for the battery ID resistor connection. This pin has an internal 1000kΩ pull-up resistor. Thus a typical 20kΩ ID resistor will pull this pin to logic low state, indicating a valid battery connection.

What is the significance of the VF terminal?

Its datasheet http://www.intersil.com/content/dam/Intersil/documents/isl9/isl9228.pdf says: VF is an input pin for the battery ID resistor connection. This pin has an internal 1000kΩ pull-up resistor. Thus a typical 20kΩ ID resistor will pull this pin to logic low state, indicating a valid battery connection.

What does a VF mean on a battery?

VF is an input pin for the battery ID resistor connection. This pin has an internal 1000kΩ pull-up resistor. Thus a typical 20kΩ ID resistor will pull this pin to logic low state, indicating a valid battery connection.

What happens to the VF pin when the battery is removed?

Thus a typical 20kΩ ID resistor will pull this pin to logic low state, indicating a valid battery connection. If the battery is removed, the VF pin will be pulled to a logic high state by the internal resistor, the charger will be disabled as a result, regardless of the status of the EN pin.

What is the nominal voltage of a lithium ion battery?

The “average” voltage throughout this charging process is called “nominal voltage.” It turns out that if the maximum voltage is 4.4 V, the corresponding nominal voltage is 3.85 V. But if the maximum voltage is only 4.35 V, then the nominal voltage is 3.80 V.