What does Webmin run on?

What does Webmin run on?

Webmin is a web-based system configuration tool for Unix-like systems, although recent versions can also be installed and run on Microsoft Windows.

How use Webmin Linux?

Use Webmin for Linux Administration, Parts 1 and 2

  1. Getting Started. To get started, drop by www.webmin.com and download the latest release.
  2. Installation From Source.
  3. Logging In to Webmin.
  4. Usermin.
  5. Accessing Your System.
  6. Taming the Daemons.
  7. Adding a New Domain.
  8. Adding the User.

Which Linux distro is best for learning?

Best Linux Distro For Machine Learning

  • Ubuntu.
  • Arch Linux.
  • Fedora.
  • Linux Mint.
  • CentOS.

Is Webmin secure?

Webmin admins must make modifications to the Webmin config file to enable the password expiration feature for Webmin accounts, meaning most Webmin installations are most likely safe from exploitation attempts.

How start Webmin service in Linux?

Restarting Virtualmin

  1. Connect to your VPS service via SSH. You will need to log in as the root user in order to run the restart command.
  2. On the command line, type the command /etc/init. d/webmin stop and press Enter.
  3. On the command line, type the command /etc/init. d/webmin start and press Enter.

What is Webmin in Linux?

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Linux/Unix. With Webmin, you can configure operating system internals such as users, service or configuration files, disk quotas, as well as modify and control open source applications such as Apache or Tomcat, PHP, MySQL, DNS, and file sharing.

Is Virtualmin secure?

The Virtualmin installer enables all of the Virtualmin features by default. But, this also enables service that you will never use. To secure the server, we always make it a point to disable the features that we don’t need.