What happened to my menu bar?

What happened to my menu bar?

If you’re running Windows or Linux and you don’t see the menu bar, it may have been accidentally toggled it off. You can bring it back from the Command Palette with Window: Toggle Menu Bar or by pressing Alt . You can disable hiding the menu bar with Alt by unchecking Settings > Core > Auto Hide Menu Bar .

How do I show the menu bar at the top of my screen?

You can use one of these to set which toolbars to show.

  1. “3-bar” menu button > Customize > Show/Hide Toolbars.
  2. View > Toolbars. You can tap the Alt key or press F10 to show the Menu Bar.
  3. Right-click empty toolbar area.

What to do when your menu bar is missing?

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods, as appropriate to your specific symptoms. If the menu bar is missing and the Minimize Window, Restore Window, and Close Window buttons are available, click Close Window in the Full Screen dialog box, or click Restore Window to return to a normal window view.

Why is the menu bar not showing in Microsoft Word?

When you view a Microsoft Excel worksheet or a Microsoft Word document in full-screen mode, the menu bar may not be displayed. Or, the Minimize Window, Restore Window (or Maximize Window), and Close Window buttons may be missing. To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods, as appropriate to your specific symptoms.

Why is my Facebook menu bar missing icons?

My Facebook page menu bar is missing icons. My Facebook page is missing the graphics/icons on the menu bar at top. Other browsers act ok. I did a virus and malware check. I uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox.

How to get rid of annoying taskbar pop up menus?

I have already disabled Aero (also annoying) and Tooltips (less annoying, but it also gets in the way of necessary buttons), but the damn pop up list is screwing up my work. When writing reports, I may have 10 or 15 files open within one or two programs.