What is a client ID in OAuth?

What is a client ID in OAuth?

At registration the client application is assigned a client ID and a client secret (password) by the authorization server. The client ID and secret is unique to the client application on that authorization server. This redirect URI is used when a resource owner grants authorization to the client application.

What can you do with a client ID?

Your clientID is used so that Google can identify your application and allow the usage of Google APIs and services as appropriate. It is all for authentication and authorization so that you can get the proper permissions and accesses to whatever Google APIs and services.

Do you need client ID and secret in OAuth?

This way when developers copy and paste the ID and secret, it is easy to recognize which is which. Usually using a longer string for the secret is a good way to indicate this, or prefixing the secret with “secret” or “private”. For each registered application, you’ll need to store the public client_id and the private client_secret.

How to register a public client in OAuth?

In order to register a public client, first make sure the Connect2id server is configured to permit that, by including none in the list of the supported client authentication method. Then, to perform the actual registration of a public client, set the request parameter for the token endpoint authentication method to none.

How is OAuth used to access different services?

This way the same client could be used to access services of different providers (in case of standard APIs, such as e-Mail or OpenID Connect) or serves as a frontend to a particular tenant in a multi-tenancy.

What do I need to sign up for OAuth 2.0?

If the sign up request doesn’t specify explicit OAuth 2.0 grant types the assumed value is authorization_code. As for the response types, they default to the single code value. A client may sign up for other grant / response types, provided the Connect2id server is prepared to handle them.