What is a Flex Message?

What is a Flex Message?

Flex Messages are messages with a customizable layout. You can customize the layout freely based on the specification for CSS Flexible Box (CSS Flexbox) . “Flex container” corresponds to “box component” in a Flex Message.

How does twilio messaging work?

Twilio’s SMS API helps you send and manage messages programmatically: To send an outbound SMS, WhatsApp, or Channels message with the API, POST to the Message resource. You’ll also use the Message resource to fetch messages and list messages associated with your account.

What is Flex line in CSS?

Flexbox, or the Flexible Box Layout, is a new layout mode in CSS3 designed for laying out complex applications and web pages. Flexbox allows you to lay out elements in a container, arrange and (re)order them, align them, and distribute the space between (and/or around) them, regardless of their size.

How does twilio flex work?

Flex offers a Webchat UI that you can use to embed Web chat into your app. Contact centers commonly use Web chat for use cases like in-site customer support. A Chat Channel refers to the Channel object found in Twilio Chat. Flex creates these channels and makes them private by default.

How do I use message API?

What you can do with the Messaging API

  1. Send reply messages. Reply with a message to users who interacts with your LINE Official Account.
  2. Send push messages. Send messages directly to users whenever you want.
  3. Send various message types.
  4. Get content sent by users.
  5. Get user profiles.
  6. Join group chats.
  7. Use rich menus.
  8. Use beacons.

Who uses twilio?

5808 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Twilio….1285 companies reportedly use Twilio in their tech stacks, including Uber, Airbnb, and Instacart.

  • Uber.
  • Airbnb.
  • Instacart.
  • reddit.
  • Lyft.
  • Stack.
  • Accenture.
  • ebay.

What Flex 1 means?

flex:1; = flex:1 1 0n; (where n is a length unit). flex-grow: A number specifying how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items. flex-basis The length of the item. Legal values: “auto”, “inherit”, or a number followed by “%”, “px”, “em” or any other length unit.

Who uses twilio Flex?

Following a successful preview program, we were thrilled to make Twilio Flex generally available in October. Today, businesses such as Shopify, Lyft, and U-Haul are already using Flex with thousands of contact center agents live on the platform.

What is Flex API?

Flex API is an application programming interface that provides a robust mechanism for external parties to develop an interface into DNA Fusion to accomplish a myriad of tasks or receive information.

What are API messages?

Messaging API refers to any service that enables developers to implement various messaging technologies in an application via a single programmable interface.

How to use flexible messagebox in.net?

The leftmost two buttons do show two variations of the FlexibleMessageBox with different parameters. The two buttons in the middle do show a sample for a text with many rows, first time with the .NET MessageBox and in contrast using the FlexibleMessageBox.

What is the default value for the flexiblemessagebox?

0.2 means: The FlexibleMessageBox can be at most half as high as the working area. 1.0 means: The FlexibleMessageBox can be as high as the working area. The default value is 0.9 which is 90% of the working area height.

How is xep-0013 flexible offline message retrieval?

This specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for flexible, POP3-like handling of offline messages. The protocol enables a connecting client to retrieve its offline messages on login in a controlled fashion, without receiving a flood of messages. Messages can also be left on the server for later retrieval.

What to do when no font is set in messagebox?

When no font is set, it uses the standard SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont Calculates the dialogs start size by trying to auto-size the width to show the longest text row Sets the dialogs maximum size, using the statics for MAX_WIDTH_FACTOR and MAX_HEIGHT_FACTOR Sets the dialogs start position when given.