What is a reflective measurement model?

What is a reflective measurement model?

Conceptually, a reflective measurement model happens when the indicators of a construct are considered to be caused by that construct. For example, an intelligence test: if you are more intelligent, you have a higher probability of getting the correct answer to a question.

What is a formative index?

A formative construct or composite refers to an index of a weighted sum of variables. In a formative construct, the indicators cause the construct, whereas in a more conventional latent variables, sometimes called reflective constructs, the indicators are caused by the latent variable.

Which scale of measurement is the most informative?

The ratio scale of measurement is the most informative scale. It is an interval scale with the additional property that its zero position indicates the absence of the quantity being measured.

Is IQ a valid measure of intelligence?

“There is no such thing as a single measure of IQ or a measure of general intelligence.” More than 100,000 participants joined the study and completed 12 online cognitive tests that examined memory, reasoning, attention and planning abilities.

How are reflective measurement models differ from formative measurement models?

With reflective measurement models, causality flows from the latent construct to the indicators. In other words, a change in the perception of being a good basketball leads to a change in salary, endorsements, etc. We understand the framework behind a formative construct, which is the second statement, the other way around.

What is latent construct in reflective measurement model?

In the reflective model, latent construct exists independent of the indicators. In market research, we know that a metric behaves a certain way because it is reacting to something. It is my job to identify what that “something” is that drives the metric’s reaction.

How is statistical covariation used in reflective measurement?

This statistical covariation allows scholars to argue that if variation in an indicator X is associated with variation in a latent construct Y, then exogenous interventions that change Y can be detected in the indicator X. Most scholars assume that this relationship between construct and indicator is reflective.

Why do two test scores correlate in a reflective model?

In a reflective measurement model, we expect the covariances between the indicators to be zero, when the latent variable is partialled out – that is the reason that two test scores correlate is because they are caused by the same thing.