What is a treatment arm in a clinical trial?

What is a treatment arm in a clinical trial?

Arm. A group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial that receives a specific intervention/treatment, or no intervention, according to the trial’s protocol.

What is a parallel arm study?

Parallel arm design is the most commonly used study design. In this design, subjects are randomized to one or more study arms and each study arm will be allocated a different intervention. After randomization each participant will stay in their assigned treatment arm for the duration of the study [Figure 5].

What is NCT ID?

NCT Number: The National Clinical Trial number is an identification that ClinicalTrials.gov assigns a study when it is registered. This includes any unique clinical study identifiers assigned by other publicly available clinical trial registries.

How many arms are in a clinical trial?

One scientifically attractive alternative design is to have a 3-arm trial consisting of the intervention, the active control, and a placebo arm. This design is particularly attractive when the efficacy of the active control has changed, is volatile, or is in doubt.

What is a EudraCT number?

A EudraCT number is a unique identifier of the trial and once. issued, it never expires. It identifies a specific trial.

Are there any gender specific alcohol treatment programs?

Today many (although not all) treatment programs offer gender-specific or gender-sensitive services, such as gender-matching with counselors, mixed-gender treatment groups led by male and female co-leaders, gender-specific treatment groups, and gender-specific treatment content.

What are the benefits of gender specific treatment?

Specialized treatment for gender-unique physiological, emotional, and relational issues. Elevated comfort as gender-specific treatment encourages a sense of trust and bonding among fellow same-sex clients. Minimized sexual tension and distractions between male and female clients.

Why is there no control arm in a Phase 1 trial?

This design incorporates no control arm. This design is usually utilized to determine pharmacokinetic properties of a new drug (Phase 1 trials). Uncontrolled trials are known to produce greater mean effect estimates than a controlled trial, thereby inflating the expectations from the intervention.

Why are there women specific drug treatment programs?

Women have their own specific needs separate from men when it comes to seeking treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, which makes women-specific programs a good option for some. Women are able to communicate with one another regarding things like motherhood, workplace dynamics, relationships, and family life in a safe and supportive environment.