What is affinity masking?

What is affinity masking?

An affinity mask is a bit mask indicating what processor(s) a thread or process should be run on by the scheduler of an operating system. So, excluding the first CPU might lead to better application performance.

Does Affinity Designer have masks?

In Affinity Designer, two types of masking are possible: pixel masking and vector masking. Pixel masking: performs a similar task to the erase tools with one important difference; a pixel mask can be modified, or even discarded, at any point in time.

How do you use clipping mask affinity?

To make a clipping mask with Affinity Designer, position the layer you’d like clipped beneath the layer you’d like to use as the mask. Then, click and drag it on top of the mask layer. This will create a layer group where the top layer is used as a clipping path.

Why are masks important in affinity photo?

Masks are applied as a separate layer, allowing them to be freely edited and moved. Mask layers affect any layer below them within the Layers panel. They can also be clipped to individual layers so that only that layer is affected. Alternatively, mask layers can be added to layer groups so they only affect that group.

How do I make the background transparent in affinity designer?

Click on Document > Transparent Background. And that’s it! Your image will now have a transparent background if you export it into a . png format.

How do you clip in affinity designer?

To clip objects:

  1. On the page, position the object to be clipped so it overlaps the object which will perform the clipping.
  2. Do one of the following, with the object to be clipped being selected: On the Layers panel, drag it on top of the object which is to perform the clipping.

How are masks used in an Affinity Photo?

In Affinity Photo, masks are used to hide layers. Masks can also be used to partially hide layers. And just like masks in real life, masks do not damage or erase any part of your layers. They just hide them.

What are the affinity mask options in SQL Server?

SQL Server supports processor affinity by means of two affinity mask options: affinity mask (also known as CPU affinity mask) and affinity I/O mask.

What does the value for affinity I / O Mask mean?

The value for affinity I/O mask specifies which CPUs in a multiprocessor computer are eligible to process SQL Server disk I/O operations. The mask is a bitmap in which the rightmost bit specifies the lowest-order CPU (0), the bit to its immediate left specifies the next-lowest-order CPU (1), and so on.

What should my CPU bits be in affinity mask?

The bits corresponding to each CPU should be in one of these three states: 0 in both the affinity mask option and the affinity I/O mask option. 1 in the affinity mask option and 0 in the affinity I/O mask option. 0 in the affinity mask option and 1 in the affinity I/O mask option.