What is captive portal configuration?

What is captive portal configuration?

A captive portal is a web page to which a client is redirected when they connect to a guest SSID. The client can gain access to the Internet after they successfully authenticate or accept the terms of use on the portal page. To enable and manage Captive Portals with Analyze, see About Portal Management.

What is a captive portal system?

A captive portal is a Web page that the user of a public-access network is obliged to view and interact with before access is granted. Captive portals are typically used by business centers, airports, hotel lobbies, coffee shops, and other venues that offer free Wi-Fi hot spots for Internet users.

How do you authenticate a captive portal?

Navigate to Configure > Security > Access Control > Authentication Rules and click Enabled for HTTPS/HTTP Authentication page next to Captive Portal to select the feature. Users who match the rule are redirected to the new web portal authentication page.

What is the purpose of captive portal?

Captive portals are primarily used in open wireless networks where the users are shown a welcome message informing them of the conditions of access (allowed ports, liability, etc.). Administrators tend to do this so that their own users take responsibility for their actions and to avoid any legal responsibility.

Is captive portal login safe?

For most networks, captive portals are an unnecessary barrier between users and a wireless connection. Instead of providing access benefits, they only make users less safe.

What is captive portal authentication?

The captive portal technique makes the user with a Web browser (HTTP client) to see a special Web page before being granted normal Internet access. The captive portal intercepts all packets regardless of address or port, until the browser is used as a form of authentication device.

How does iOS detect captive portal?

Traditionally, captive networks rely on intercepting traffic from the person connected. By default, iOS and macOS automatically send a probe when joining your network for the first time to detect this interception, and display the captive portal login page.

How do I fix captive portal?

Close all open tabs in your browser. If you have your startup setting “Continue where you left off”, then change it to “Open the new tab page” and open your browser again. If you don’t see the captive portal come up, try going to a http:// website as they can trigger the captive portal.

Where are captive portals used?

Captive portals are used for a broad range of mobile and pedestrian broadband services – including cable and commercially provided Wi-Fi and home hotspots. A captive portal can also be used to provide access to enterprise or residential wired networks, such as apartment houses, hotel rooms, and business centers.

What does it mean to have a captive portal?

A captive portal is a web page to which a client is redirected when they connect to a guest SSID. The client can gain access to the Internet after they successfully authenticate or accept the terms of use on the portal page. This enables you to restrict wireless connectivity (such as Internet-only connectivity) for guest wireless clients.

How to enable captive portal in SSID profile?

Enable Captive Portal Settings in SSID Profile 1 Open Manage. 2 Select Configuration > Device Configuration > SSID Profiles. 3 Select an existing SSID profile or create a new profile. 4 Expand the Captive Portal section. 5 Select the Enable Captive Portal check box to display a portal page to be shown to clients on the guest network. See More….

How to turn off captive portal check in Android?

There are several captive portal parameters one could apply to an Android device via settings put global – the most famous probably being to completely turn off captive portal check (for Android < 8). Can someone explain how to use the others – e.g. to define a “custom captive portal server for tin-foils”?

How to enable a captive portal in WatchGuard engage?

For more information, see About WatchGuard Engage. To enable and configure captive portal settings in an SSID profile: Open Manage. Select Configuration > Device Configuration > SSID Profiles. Select an existing SSID profile or create a new profile. Expand the Captive Portal section.