What is considered a short field landing?
Approach To Landing To make a great short field landing, you need to be in complete control of your airspeed and descent rate. For example, if your plane has a Vso of 47 kts and your POH doesn’t list a final approach speed, you’d use, 47 X 1.3 = 61 knots. Fly 61 knots on final, and you’ll have a good setup for landing.
What is soft field?
Soft-field objectives. The soft-field takeoff is the flip side of the short field. When the runway is producing excess wheel drag because it is soft, muddy, or snow-covered, we want to lighten the load on the wheels as soon as possible. It doesn’t make any difference how much runway it takes or doesn’t take.
When to take off from a soft field or short field?
When taking off from a soft field we need maximum lift, but in short-field takeoffs, remember that we’re going for maximum acceleration. We want to keep the drag lower, so we keep the angle a little flatter, which also points the thrust vector more nearly horizontal and helps acceleration.
Which is the best short field takeoff technique?
Short-field takeoff technique in an Aviat Husky, for instance, is to simply hold three-point and thunder along until the main gear lifts off first, then relax and enjoy the ride. Every airplane has a different recommended method.
What does number mean in short field takeoff?
The only number that counts in a short-field takeoff is that magic best-angle-of-climb speed. Anything above or below that number means we’re moving closer to the trees than we would at best angle. Trying to climb the second we get off the ground actually hurts us when trying to clear an obstacle.
Do you have to learn short field landings?
Every student who has spent more than 20 hours flying an airplane has received some instruction in short- and soft-field landings. It’s part of the private pilot tradition, as well as a required training subject.