What is correct MIME type for JS?

What is correct MIME type for JS?

A textual file should be human-readable and must not contain binary data. application/octet-stream is the default value for all other cases….Common MIME types.

Extension Kind of document MIME Type
.mjs JavaScript module text/javascript
.mp3 MP3 audio audio/mpeg
.mp4 MP4 audio video/mp4
.mpeg MPEG Video video/mpeg

What is MIME type for image?

One of the most important pieces of data, called the MIME type specifies what the body of text describes. For instance, a GIF image is given the MIME type of image/gif, a JPEG image is image/jpg, and postscript is application/postscript.

What is MIME type of file?

A media type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions or MIME type) is a standard that indicates the nature and format of a document, file, or assortment of bytes. It is defined and standardized in IETF’s RFC 6838.

What is MIME type example?

A MIME type has two parts: a type and a subtype. They are separated by a slash (/). For example, the MIME type for Microsoft Word files is application and the subtype is msword. Together, the complete MIME type is application/msword.

What is the standard MIME type for JSON?

text/plain was typically used for JSON, but according to IANA, the official MIME type for JSON is application/json .

Is there an extension to the MIME type?

There is also the option of accessing it if it is a file input. Keep in mind the extension to mime type makes no guarantees about the actual file itself; you’d need to parse it server side to determine what kind of file it really is.

Do you have to use MIME type for JavaScript?

Per the HTML specification, JavaScript files should always be served using the MIME type text/javascript. No other values are considered valid, and using any of those may result in scripts that do not load or run.

How to add a MIME type in NodeJS?

AddType video/ogg .ogv AddType video/mp4 .mp4 AddType video/webm .webm AddType audio/mpeg .mp3 AddType audio/ogg .ogg AddType audio/mp4 .m4a AddType audio/wav /wav How would I do this with Express / NodeJS?

When to ignore the meta element in a mime?

According to the standards, the element that specifies the MIME type should be ignored if there’s a Content-Type header available. IANA keeps a list of registered MIME Media Types. The HTTP specification defines a superset of MIME types, which is used to describe the media types used on the web.