What is hex file format for PIC18F devices?

What is hex file format for PIC18F devices?

HEX FILE FORMAT FOR PIC18F DEVICES A Microchip format Hex file is an extended Intel Hex file with code, data, configuration bytes and user ID included. You need to select output file type as INHX32. This is 32-bit addressing as Configuration bytes are stored above 64KB, which is the limit for 8-bit Intel Hex format, INHX8.

What is the HEX file format for a microchip?

These directives will add the Configuration bytes to the output Hex file, which is described next. A Microchip format Hex file is an extended Intel Hex file with code, data, configuration bytes and user ID included. You need to select output file type as INHX32.

Why do we need Intel HEX file format?

We often come across a problem where an understanding of Intel Hex file format will help in solving a programming issue or technical point. Intel Hex format is a standard layout for files produced by assemblers or C compilers when they compile your source code. It is used by device programmers to program the target microcontroller with your code.

How big is a hex file on a PIC microcontroller?

The newer PIC16F1xxx devices are bigger, with the latest having 64KB of program space. To accommodate this larger flash memory, the other data in the hex file was moved above 64KB and Extended or Linear addressing is required to access this – see PIC18F section for a full description of these addressing modes.

What should be included in a PIC HEX file?

Microchip have scored a winner over Atmel AVR by including all the information required to program a PIC microcontroller in one Hex file. This includes code, EEPROM data, User bytes (User ID) and most importantly, configuration words.

How to find PIC16F examples in microchip C?

PIC16F examples in Microchip C or assembler use __Config directive, for example, Check your compiler documentation for more details. Configuration bit names vary from PIC device to PIC device, see “Special Features of CPU section” in PIC device datasheets for details about configuration bytes.