What is IMU and GPS?

What is IMU and GPS?

An inertial measurement unit (IMU) is an electronic device that measures and reports a body’s specific force, angular rate, and sometimes the orientation of the body, using a combination of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and sometimes magnetometers. Recent developments allow for the production of IMU-enabled GPS devices.

What is IMU sensor used for?

The IMU sensor is an electronic device used to calculate and reports an exact force of body, angular rate as well as the direction of the body, which can be achieved by using a blend of 3 sensors like Gyroscope, Magnetometer, and Accelerometer.

What is data fusion techniques?

Data fusion is the process of integrating multiple data sources to produce more consistent, accurate, and useful information than that provided by any individual data source. Low-level data fusion combines several sources of raw data to produce new raw data.

Are there any open source implementations of GPS + IMU sensor fusion?

Open source implementations for GPS+IMU sensor fusion? Are there any Open source implementations of GPS+IMU sensor fusion (loosely coupled; i.e. using GPS module output and 9 degree of freedom IMU sensors)? — kalman filtering based or otherwise.

Which is the open source inertial navigation simulator?

GitHub – Aceinna/gnss-ins-sim: Open-source GNSS + inertial navigation, sensor fusion simulator. Motion trajectory generator, sensor models, and navigation

Which is open source GNSS / INS simulation project?

GNSS-INS-SIM is an GNSS/INS simulation project, which generates reference trajectories, IMU sensor output, GPS output, odometer output and magnetometer output.

What does openimu mean for GPS and INS?

OpenIMU is a professional-grade open-source stack for IMU and GPS/INS navigation development. OpenIMU hardware modules are low-cost, low-power and precise. They are fully calibrated over temperature for all static error sources. OpenIMU includes a powerful and customizable Kalman Filter. OpenIMU developer kits are $395 and in-stock.