What is it called when your data is stolen?

What is it called when your data is stolen?

A data breach is an incident where information is stolen or taken from a system without the knowledge or authorization of the system’s owner. Stolen data may involve sensitive, proprietary, or confidential information such as credit card numbers, customer data, trade secrets, or matters of national security.

What is an example of data theft?

loss or theft of hard copy notes, USB drives, computers or mobile devices. an unauthorised person gaining access to your laptop, email account or computer network. sending an email with personal data to the wrong person. a bulk email using ‘to’ or ‘cc’, but where ‘bcc’ (blind carbon-copy) should have been used.

What is the most common way that data is stolen?

The 6 most common ways data breaches occur

  • Physical actions (4%)
  • Unauthorised use (8%)
  • Malware (17%)
  • Social engineering (22%)
  • Human error (22%)
  • Criminal hacking (45%)

What are the consequences of data theft?

The long-term consequences: Loss of trust and diminished reputation. Perhaps the biggest long-term consequence of a data breach is the loss of customer trust. Your customers share their sensitive information with businesses like yours assuming that you’ll have the proper security measures in place to protect their data …

How can data be compromised?

Data integrity may be compromised through: Human error, whether malicious or unintentional. Transfer errors, including unintended alterations or data compromise during transfer from one device to another. Bugs, viruses/malware, hacking, and other cyber threats.

Why is a data breach Bad?

But any data breach can leave you at risk of identity theft if the hackers want to use that information against you. It’s hard to forget the far-reaching Equifax blunder that exposed Social Security numbers, birth dates, home addresses, tax ID numbers, and driver’s license information of potentially 148 million people.

What happens to the information stolen from a data breach?

Based on the data stolen, here are specific types of information that are of value to cybercriminals. Hackers search for these data because they can be used to make money by duplicating credit cards, and using personal information for fraud, identity theft, and even blackmail.

What kind of data was stolen from University?

The stolen data included names, birth dates, university ID numbers, and Social Security numbers. The university was fined ₤120,000 for exposing the personal data of students, including names, addresses, dates of birth, signatures, and in some cases even medical information, on a microsite that was left unsecured since 2004.

Why are security audit logs a good source of information?

As an information source that keeps track of important transactions with covered system, audit logs are also a prime target for attackers who are keen to hide their activities to maximize opportunities to compromise targeted data.

How many debit and credit card information was stolen?

Hackers penetrated the vendor’s network and infected all of its point-of-sale (PoS) machines. They were able to expose nearly 40 million debit and credit cards to fraud. The information stolen included PINs, names, and banking information.