What is lazy registration?

What is lazy registration?

Lazy registration is the concept that you don’t have a sign up form on your site but instead let the user try out your site for as long as they like and ask them for user data as part of their natural trajectory. The key is providing users with a reason to give you the registration data you’re looking for.

How do I get more registration?


  1. Create a Seamless Look and Feel. Building a look and feel of your event is important.
  2. Improve Your Event Registration Website. There are an incredible number of events out there, all vying for attention.
  3. Invest in Advertising.
  4. Get Social (Media)
  5. Create a Blog.
  6. Help Them Connect.
  7. Stay Social.
  8. Pick a Great Giveaway.

What is registry design pattern?

A registry is a global association from keys to objects, allowing the objects to be reached from anywhere. It involves two methods: one that takes a key and an object and add objects to the registry and one that takes a key and returns the object for the key.

When do I Send my registration confirmation email?

I recommend you send two registration reminder emails. The first email 4 days before the event day, and the second email one day before the event. Your registration confirmation emails are email autoresponders that confirm a user action: registration.

What are the best questions to ask in the registration process?

Probably both! Streamline the registration process but asking only what you need to ask on the application. Ensure you get the information you need for a smooth registration. Then use it to understand your applicants, make marketing choices and better plan your events.

What should I do after registering for an event?

People would register for your event or sign up for your product and still carry an endless amount of questions. These are the most common ones asked after a registration: Is my registration accepted? What should I do next?

When to send reminder email for event registration?

Sending an event reminder email eliminates the risk of you singing “Lonely day” the day of the event because your registrants forgot about it. I recommend you send two registration reminder emails. The first email 4 days before the event day, and the second email one day before the event. How to Create Registration Confirmation Email Funnel
