What is macro in drawing?

What is macro in drawing?

This means looking at something small and drawing it large or drawing a small piece of a much larger object.

How do I create a macro in Solidworks?

To create a new macro:

  1. Click New Macro. (Macro toolbar), or click Tools > Macro > New.
  2. Type a file name.
  3. Click Save. Your macro editing application opens ready for you to program the new macro.

What can you do with Solidworks API?

Functions in the API provide programmers with direct access to SOLIDWORKS functionality. The API contains hundreds of functions that you can call from Visual Basic (VB), Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VB.NET, C++, C#, or SOLIDWORKS macro files.

How do you write a drawing in Solidworks?

Sketching Text

  1. Click a face of a part.
  2. Click Text.
  3. In the graphics area, select an edge, curve, sketch, or sketch segment.
  4. In the PropertyManager, under Text, type the text to display.
  5. Set the properties in the Sketch Text PropertyManager as necessary.
  6. Click .
  7. With the sketch still open, extrude or cut the text.

How do I customize a macro button?

Click File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar. In the Choose commands from list, click Macros. Select the macro you want to assign a button to. Click Add to move the macro to the list of buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Can you code in SOLIDWORKS?

You can use any programming language that supports COM to create SOLIDWORKS standalone API (.exe files) and add-in (. dll files) applications. The programming languages most commonly used are: Visual Basic .

Can you code in Solidworks?

What language is Solidworks API?

The programming languages most commonly used are: Visual Basic . NET (VB.NET) Visual C++/CLI.

What display styles can you use when you create a drawing view?

Different types of drawing views. These include principal views, 2D Model views, section views, auxiliary views, and detail views. Different types of view annotations.

How do you delete text in Solidworks drawing?

To delete: Click the line or text and press the Delete key. To move: Click the line or text and drag to a new location.

Is macro photography difficult?

Macro photography is a difficult genre — you’re pushing up against the physical limits of depth of field, diffraction, and motion blur. Naturally, focusing in macro photography isn’t an easy task, but it’s a crucial one.