What is maximum endurance speed?

What is maximum endurance speed?

Generally, in subsonic performance, the speed at which maximum endurance is obtained is approximately 75 percent of the speed for maximum range. If you are holding at maximum endurance and are released to your destination, what speed do you fly to use the least amount of fuel? That would be the speed for maximum range.

Where does best endurance airspeed occur on a thrust required curve?

In order to do this, we must minimize the fuel flow. Since the fuel flow is proportional to the power required, the fuel flow will be minimized at the point where the power required is a minimum. The speed corresponding to the bottom of the power required curve is the speed for maximum endurance (Figure 1).

What is the effect of weight on maximum endurance and maximum-range?

More weight means more power required. Minimum speed increases with a weight increase so endurance suffers.

When does maximum endurance occur in a jet?

Hence, the maximum endurance occurs at a point where the power is minimum. For (turbo)jets, the minimum fuel flow occurs when the thrust is minimum. Hence the maximum endurance occurs when the L/D is maximum. For turbofans, it is somewhere in-between.

When does maximum dwell time or maximum endurance occur?

Maximum dwell time or maximum endurance occurs when the power required is minimum. Hence, in this case, the maximum endurance speed is one where the power required is minimum, while in case of maximum range speed, the thrust required is minimum. For maximum endurance, we must minimize the fuel consumed per unit time i.e. the fuel flow.

Why does maximum endurance occur at minimum fuel flow?

For maximum range, we must minimize the fuel used per unit distance traveled. In case of propeller aircraft, the fuel flow rate is proportional to the power produced. Hence, the maximum endurance occurs at a point where the power is minimum. For (turbo)jets, the minimum fuel flow occurs when the thrust is minimum.

Why does an aircraft have a maximum dwell time?

And only consider the level flight segment at fixed speed. Maximum dwell time or maximum endurance occurs when the power required is minimum. Hence, in this case, the maximum endurance speed is one where the power required is minimum, while in case of maximum range speed, the thrust required is minimum.