What is proc config GZ?

What is proc config GZ?

/proc/config. gz is just a copy of the config file that was used to compile the kernel. You can’t change it, you can only compile a new kernel with a different configuration. See, for instance, linuxconfig.org/in-depth-howto-on-linux-kernel-configuration. Some features can be added by loading modules but not all.

How do I enable proc config in GZ?

1 Answer

  1. Figure out which SoC you have on the board.
  2. Figure out where to obtain the Linux kernel tree ported to that SoC.
  3. Obtain and compile the Linux kernel, enabling the /proc/config. gz option.
  4. Install modules, register the newly-compiled kernel with the bootloader, and reboot.

How do I know my kernel config?

The Linux kernel configuration is usually found in the kernel source in the file: /usr/src/linux/. config . It is not recommended to edit this file directly but to use one of these configuration options: make config – starts a character based questions and answer session.

Where is the Linux kernel config file?

The Linux kernel configuration is also found in the kernel source /usr/src/linux/. config (in CentOS, it is /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)-$(uname -m)/. config ).

What is Modprobe?

modprobe is a Linux program originally written by Rusty Russell and used to add a loadable kernel module to the Linux kernel or to remove a loadable kernel module from the kernel. It is commonly used indirectly: udev relies upon modprobe to load drivers for automatically detected hardware.

How do I change kernel settings?

To configure the kernel, change to /usr/src/linux and enter the command make config. Choose the features you want supported by the kernel. Usually, There are two or three options: y, n, or m. m means that this device will not be compiled directly into the kernel, but loaded as a module.

Where is modprobe located?

modprobe looks in the module directory /lib/modules/`uname -r` for all the modules and other files, except for the optional configuration files in the /etc/modprobe.

Where to find / Proc / config.gz in Linux?

Most distributions do not enable it by default; instead they include the kernel configuration file under /boot. If in-kernel configuration support is built as a kernel module, then before you can use /proc/config.gz, the configs module needs to be loaded into the kernel using insmod or modprobe.

Where can I find the Linux kernel config file?

Depending on your system, you’ll find it in any one of these: and possibly more places. For an actual running kernel, one way to get the config file this is to Then running.config will contain the configuration of the running linux kernel. However this is only possible if your running linux kernel was configured to have /proc/config.gz.

Why do you want to change Linux kernel configuration?

This enables you to get the kernel configuration, with which your kernel was compiled. Usually you use it, if you want to build a new kernel, but you don’t have the actual configuration of your running kernel. See Linux Kernel Configuration Why you want to change it? Normally you can’t, it should be read only from userspace view.