What is render blocking resource?

What is render blocking resource?

Render-blocking resources are scripts, stylesheets, and HTML imports that block or delay the browser from rendering page content to the screen. These resources delay the First Paint – the time at which your browser renders something (i.e., background colours, borders, text or images) for the first time.

How do you fix eliminate render blocking resources in WordPress without Plugin?

Under Eliminate render-blocking resources, you should see a list of Javascript and CSS files that are causing the problem. Keep the page open to copy them later. Back in your WordPress dashboard, go to Performance > General Settings and make sure Minify is enabled and set to Manual mode.

How to eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS?

Eliminating render-blocking resources is essential to minimize this delay so the page can load and display content as soon as possible. WP Rocket has options to deal with both cases – render-blocking JavaScript, and render-blocking CSS.

How to get rid of render blockers in WordPress?

To eliminate render-blocking resources on WordPress, you can use off-the-rack plugins. For a free solution, you can use the combination of Autoptimize and Async JavaScript, two plugins from the same developer.

What do you mean by render blocking resources?

When referring to render-blocking resources, we’re usually talking about: It’s important to understand that not all CSS and JavaScript files are render-blocking. For example, it’s important to load your critical CSS near the top, otherwise your visitors might experience what’s known as a flash of unstyled content (FOUC).

How to deal with render blocking JavaScript in WP rocket?

WP Rocket has options to deal with both cases – render-blocking JavaScript, and render-blocking CSS. The “ Load JavaScript deferred ” feature in WP Rocket eliminates the render-blocking JS on your website by adding the “defer” tag in each script tag.