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What is Spock used for?
What is Spock? Spock is a test framework that’s built on top of Groovy. It enforces BDD at the core and ensures if all tests written using the framework follow the BDD conventions. Also, unlike JUnit, Spock has its own Mocking and test double libraries as well as full support for parameterized test scenarios.
How do you assert in Spock?
One difference between Spock Framework and JUnit is that Spock framework doesn’t provide an assertion API. Instead, we can specify the expected state by using conditions. We can write conditions by following these rules: We have to specify the expected state in the then or expect block.
Who uses Spock framework?
Who uses Spock Framework? 12 companies reportedly use Spock Framework in their tech stacks, including Craftbase, Immowelt Hamburg GmbH, and all.
Did Spock have a pet?
Spock had a pet sehlat, which died during his childhood (in 2237, or 8877 on the Vulcan calendar) after sustaining mortal injuries from the poisonous bite of a mountain lion-like desert predator known as a le-matya.
Can I write Spock tests in Java?
Spock can test both Java and Groovy, but in the case of Groovy, it has some additional capabilities that we will not cover here.
What Colour is Spock’s blood?
green blood
Spock famously had green blood, allegedly because the Vulcan oxygen-containing pigment is, like that of the octopus, copper-based. Star Trek’s writers were likely more familiar with how copper roofing material oxidizes to green than they were with blue-blooded terrestrial arthropods.
Did Spock have a cat?
The cat/Sylvia is eventually discovered to be one of two villains on a distant planet. They are vanquished by the Enterprise crew, but not before Sylvia becomes a very big cat and attacks her co-villain. In the short clip below, Spock holds the cat and expresses his thoughts about her, a quite mysterious creature.
What actually happened between Spock and Saavik?
When Spock aged into adolescence, he underwent Pon Farr, the painful Vulcan mating ritual. Understanding what this meant, Saavik has sexual intercourse with the young Spock to alleviate his suffering – and originally, this resulted in Spock getting Saavik pregnant.
What was Spock’s race?
Spock(ProperNoun) Mr. Spock, a main character from the original Star Trek TV series, whose heritage is part alien, that of the logical Vulcan race.
What type of Alien was Spock?
Spock – full name generally considered unpronounceable by Humans – was a male Human/Vulcan hybrid who became one of the most distinguished and respected figures in the United Federation of Planets.
What is Spock’s middle name?
The novels The Romulan Way and Spock’s World claim that his middle name is “Edward”. In David Gerrold ‘s novelization of Encounter at Farpoint , McCoy served on three vessels named Enterprise before being promoted to admiral and head of Starfleet Medical .