What is SQL Server port number?

What is SQL Server port number?

By default, the typical ports used by SQL Server and associated database engine services are: TCP 1433, 4022, 135, 1434, UDP 1434.

How do I find my SQL server instance name and server name?

Identify the SQL Server instance name

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Execute: services.msc.
  3. Scroll down to entries beginning with SQL.
  4. Locate an entry for each installed named SQL Server (instancename) . The value in parenthesis is the instance name.

How do I find the server name for a SQL Server database?

Open up SQL Server Configuration Manager (search for it in the Start menu). Click on SQL Server Services . The instance name of SQL Server is in parenthesis inline with SQL Server service. If it says MSSQLSERVER, then it’s the default instance.

What is the server port?

A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an internet or other network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages, for example, always go to port 80 — one of the most commonly used ports.

What happens if you use the wrong port in SQL Server?

In the second case SQL Server Browser need to be started. It’s SQL Server Browser that will comunicate instance port given instance name. When your connection string contains both instance name and port, only port is used and instance name is ignored, so if you use a wrong port, even with correct instance name you cannot connect.

What is the port number for SQL Server?

By default, SQL Server will use port 1433 for incoming communication. A named instance, by default, uses a dynamic port that it chooses from a list of available ports.

What is the UDP port for SQL Server?

SQL Server Browser service uses UDP static port 1434. It reads the registry for the assigned TCP port. SQL Server client library connects and sends a UDP message using port 1434.

When to use port name and port number?

Here you can see both methods with pictures: Identify SQL Server TCP IP port being used. Second, there is no need to specify instance name + port, in fact if you do it, instance name is effectively ignored, so when you use