What is the best platform for a petition?

What is the best platform for a petition?

There are many websites that allow you to create a petition, but the most notable is Change.org. It is a technological platform used by over 200 million to foster groundbreaking change all over the world, and its petitions originate from just a few simple steps. Here’s how to start your own Change.org petition.

Are Change.org petitions legitimate?

(Change) is a multimillion dollar for-profit private company, not a nonprofit public charity as many falsely assume. The company began as a nonprofit that connected charities to donors, but has transitioned into a for-profit company that makes money by selling advertised petitions on its website, Change.org.

Is Change.org banned?

The popular online campaigning site change.org has been blocked by the Emirati authorities after thousands in the UAE used it to sign an online petition calling for the recent Skype ban to be lifted.

What do you do with a change org petition?

How to use Change.org

  1. Create your petition. Write a clear, personal story, and choose a specific decision maker so more people will understand and support your goal.
  2. Share your petition. In order to gain more signatures, share your petition with your social networks and others who care about your cause.
  3. Build momentum.

Does change org cost money?

Change.org now has 20 million members and is adding 2 million a month. The service is free, and with a name like Change.org the company even sounds like a not-for-profit. Change.org charges groups for the privilege of sponsoring petitions that are matched to users who have similar interests.

Can you get scammed signing a petition?

Only your name, address and signature are required by election officials on the petitions. It’s possible a thief could copy and forge your signature in credit card or check fraud schemes.

How do you make an effective change org petition?

9 Tips for Creating Successful Petitions on Change.org

  1. Determine the mission of the petition.
  2. Set a reasonable goal.
  3. Identify the decision maker – a.k.a. the person in charge.
  4. Write a compelling petition.
  5. Get out the word.
  6. Use multiple channels to encourage conversation.
  7. Deliver the petitions.

How does the MoveOn.org petition website work?

MoveOn’s petition website was built to provide individuals and organizations with the tools to start and win their own grassroots campaigns. How our Petition Website Works We empower regular folks to become campaign leaders. You shouldn’t need a Super PAC to have the power to change your community.

Which is the best site to start a petition?

1 Care2’s first-rate The Petition Site offers a simple online form letter that makes it easy to sign and send off. Making a petition takes three easy steps on this site: Start the petition page, add your information and create a “petition promo” (how it will appear on the site).

Are there any free alternatives to Change Org?

iPeititon is an free online petition tools, their costs are covered by advertising and donations, so they are able to offer you these great tools totally free. There is secound Change.org Alternatives too.

How to create an online petition to make a difference?

Online Petition offers a way to attach blog posts to your petition so that people can see the progress you’re making. Here’s an example of a petition I just created asking Rollins College to to reconsider its contract with a catering company. 6 If you’re going to use mass email or a blog format, you can create a petition form through Google Docs.