What is the difference between rift sawn and plain sawn?

What is the difference between rift sawn and plain sawn?

Rift sawn lumber is typically narrow with a very straight grain pattern on the face of the board. Rift sawn lumber is usually used with oak to avoid the flecks that are common in the species. The annular rings or a rift sawn board are about 30-60 degrees to the face of the board, but 45 degrees is the most optimum.

What is plain sawn lumber used for?

Plain Sawn lumber is the most common cut of lumber used in hardwood flooring. By making parallel cuts through the log, a wider plank is produced. The annular growth rings are typically 30 degrees or less to the face of the board, which gives the plank the recognizable “cathedral” grain.

What is the difference between quarter sawn and rift cut?

Quartersawn lumber will have straight, uniform grain on two sides—the top and the bottom. Rift-sawn lumber will have that same straight, uniform grain on the top and bottom, but will also have nice parallel grain on the two edges.

What is the difference between flat sawn and quarter sawn?

Generally 60-70% of the lumber from a log is flat sawn. The rest is quarter sawn or somewhere in between. This makes flat sawn more widely available and therefore cheaper. Logs can be cut to produce more quarter sawn but the yield from the log is lower and therefore more expensive.

What is the advantage of quarter sawn lumber?

Some advantages of quartersawn lumber: Shrinks and swells less in width. Cups, surface-checks, and splits less in seasoning and in use. Raised grain caused by separation in annual rings does not become as pronounced.

Is rift sawn more expensive than quarter sawn?

It is the most difficult grain pattern to achieve – particularly in wider widths – and therefore, more expensive than even Quarter Sawn. Rift and/or Quarter Sawn is a premium cut and is generally more expensive than Plain Sawn. It is also considered more stable because of the vertical grain orientation.

Is rift sawn or quarter sawn more expensive?

What’s the difference between rift sawn and quarter sawn?

Rift sawn wood can be manufactured either as a compliment to quarter sawn lumber or logs can be cut specifically as rift sawn. In rift sawn lumber the annual rings are typically between 30-60 degrees, with 45 degrees being optimum.

What are the different uses for plain sawn ( flat?

The process of plain sawing lumber will produce all the types of sawn wood, flat, quarter, and rift Quarter sawn wood will only produce quarter and rift sawn wood Rift sawing, though I think it should be called “radial sawing” produces only quarter sawn wood, but it produces the most waste.

What’s the best way to cut rift sawn lumber?

The annular rings or a rift sawn board are about 30-60 degrees to the face of the board, but 45 degrees is the most optimum. Similar to quarter sawn lumber, rift sawn lumber is also referred to as radial grain.

Which is more efficient quarter saw or plain saw?

Plain Sawn Advantages: Although not as efficient as live sawn, plain saw milling is still material efficient and has beautiful grain patterns.. QUARTER SAWN MILLING – MORE EXPENSIVE THAN PLAIN SAWN, PRODUCES MORE WASTE MATERIAL. This is a commonly known milling cut in high-end furniture and tables sold as “Quarter Sawn Oak” and such.