What is the driver role during pair programming?
These classic pair programming role definitions can be applied in some way or other to many of the approaches to pairing. The Driver is the person at the wheel, i.e. the keyboard. A driver should always talk through what she is doing while doing it. The Navigator is in the observer position, while the driver is typing.
What is the relationship between XP and pair programming?
Pair programming is an Agile software development technique originating from Extreme programming (XP) in which two developers team together on one computer. The two people work together to design, code and test user stories.
How does pair programming help with the debugging process?
No need to feel you’re all alone against the inscrutable code, by employing pair debugging, your partner will help you through tight spots and see things you don’t notice. “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
What is the role of the observer in pair programming?
One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles frequently. While reviewing, the observer also considers the “strategic” direction of the work, coming up with ideas for improvements and likely future problems to address.
Who is the programmer at the keyboard in pair programming?
In the practice of pair programming, two programmers work together at the same workstation. You’ll have one at the keyboard and one that acts as an observer. The programmer at the keyboard is called the “driver” and the observer is known as the “navigator”.
Which is better pair programming or programming alone?
In an online survey of pair programmers from 2000, 96% of programmers stated that they enjoyed work more while pair programming than programming alone. Furthermore, 95% said that they were more confident in their work when they pair programmed. Knowledge is constantly shared between pair programmers, whether in the industry or in a classroom.
Are there any empirical studies of pair programming?
There are both empirical studies and meta-analyses of pair programming. The empirical studies tend to examine the level of productivity and the quality of the code, while meta-analyses may focus on biases introduced by the process of testing and publishing.