What is the length of half wave dipole antenna?

What is the length of half wave dipole antenna?

The length of the total wire, which is being used as a dipole, equals half of the wavelength (i.e., l = λ/2). Such an antenna is called as half-wave dipole antenna. This is the most widely used antenna because of its advantages. It is also known as Hertz antenna.

How do you find the length of a half wave dipole?

One wavelength at 600 MHz is = c / f = 0.5 meters. Hence, the half-wavelength dipole antenna’s length is 0.25 meters (or 9.85 inches if you don’t like the metric system).

What is the typical gain of a half wave dipole antenna?

When mounted horizontally, the radiation peaks at right angles (90°) to the conductor, with nulls in the direction of the dipole. Neglecting electrical inefficiency, the antenna gain is equal to the directive gain, which is 1.5 (1.76 dBi) for a short dipole, increasing to 1.64 (2.15 dBi) for a half-wave dipole.

What is a half wave antenna?

A half-wave antenna (referred to as a dipole, Hertz, or doublet) consists of two lengths of wire rod, or tubing, each 1/4 wavelength long at a certain frequency. It is the basic unit from which many complex antennas are constructed. For a dipole, the current is maximum at the center and minimum at the ends.

How do you find the length of a dipole?

Dipole length formula

  1. length (metres)=150 Af.
  2. length (inches)=5905 Af.
  3. length (feet)=492 Af.

What does it mean to have a half wave dipole antenna?

The half-wave dipole antenna is just a special case of the dipole antenna, but its important enough that it will have its own section. Note that the “half-wave” term means that the length of this dipole antenna is equal to a half-wavelength at the frequency of operation.

What happens when the length of a dipole is reduced?

If the dipole’s length is reduced to 0.48 , the input impedance of the antenna becomes Zin = 70 Ohms, with no reactive component. This is a desirable property since the antenna will be better matched to the radio (transmitter or receiver), and hence is often done in practice for thin dipoles.

How long is the ham band dipole antenna?

Approximate Lengths for Ham Band Dipole Antennas Band (MHz) Length (feet) Length (metres) 1.8 266 82.2 3.5 137 42.2 7.0 68.5 21.1

What is the resonant length of a thin dipole antenna?

This is a desirable property since the antenna will be better matched to the radio (transmitter or receiver), and hence is often done in practice for thin dipoles. The radiation pattern remains virtually the same. The above resonant length (0.48 ) is valid if the dipole is very thin.