What is the maximum number of columns per table in SQL Server?

What is the maximum number of columns per table in SQL Server?

Database Engine objects

SQL Server Database Engine object Maximum sizes/numbers SQL Server (64-bit)
Columns per table 1,024
Columns per UPDATE statement 4,096
Columns per view 1,024
Connections per client Maximum value of configured connections

What is the maximum number of fields in table?


Attribute Maximum
Number of characters in a field name 64
Number of fields in a table 255
Number of open tables 2,048 including linked tables and the tables opened internally by Access
Table size 2 gigabyte minus the space needed for the system objects

How does number of columns in a table affect performance?

Duplicating data in multiple columns instead of setting up other tables and relating the data through foreign keys or interim tables can cause a performance issue. You’re going to have fewer rows of data per page which means more pages have to be touched to get data in & out of the system.

How to improve SQL Server query performance on large tables?

I have a relatively large table (currently 2 million records) and would like to know if it’s possible to improve performance for ad-hoc queries. The word ad-hoc being key here. Adding indexs is not an option (there are already indexs on the columns which are queried most commonly).

How does normalization affect performance in SQL Server?

Normalization doesn’t just improve data reliability, but it also improves data storage which means performance. You also need to take into account the fact that you may have to create more indexes on the table to support the queries, which again, could affect performance. But all of this is a balancing act.

Is it OK to have 50 columns in a table?

If there are 50 columns in the entity to which you are referring, there may be, in fact, 50 columns in the table. That’s fine. Just know that if you are intentionally choosing to NOT normalize, then you’re making a choice that could impact storage and performance.