What is the meaning of custom tags?

What is the meaning of custom tags?

A custom tag is a user-defined JSP language element. The web container then invokes those operations when the JSP page’s servlet is executed. Custom tags have a rich set of features. They can. Be customized by means of attributes passed from the calling page.

What allows us to customize the tag?

To create a new Custom HTML tag:

  • Click Tags New.
  • Click Tag Configuration and select Custom HTML.
  • Copy the tag code provided by the vendor and paste it into the HTML field, or enter your own custom HTML or JavaScript code. Note: Always place JavaScript inside HTML tags.

What are the attributes of tag?

All HTML attributes

Attribute Belongs to tag Explanation
href a, area, base, link Sets the URL of the page the link goes to
hreflang a, area, link Sets the language of the linked document
http-equiv meta Provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute
id Global attribute Sets a unique id for an element

Why do you need custom tags?

Custom tags increase productivity because they can be reused in more than one application. Custom tags are distributed in a tag library, which defines a set of related custom tags and contains the objects that implement the tags. The object that implements a custom tag is called a tag handler.

How are custom tag in JSP created?

You write a custom JSP tag by writing a Java class called a tag handler. The JSP 2.1 API defines a set of classes and interfaces that you use to write custom tag handlers, as described in the JSP 2.1 Specification at http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/reference/api/index.html .

Why do we need tag attributes?

An attribute either modifies the default functionality of an element type or provides functionality to certain element types unable to function correctly without them. In HTML syntax, an attribute is added to an HTML start tag. Some attribute types function differently when used to modify different element types.

How to create custom tags for HTML Stack Overflow?

Mozilla has developed a library, named X-Tag, that makes the process of creating and working with custom elements super easy, check it out: X-Tags.org There is also a version which is ONLY supported in Chrome 54 and Opera. Step 1- Register a new Element.

Where do I find custom tags in JSP?

Each tag element within the TLD represents an individual custom tag that exist in the library. Each of these tag should have a tag handler class associated with them. The uri element represents a Uniform Resource Identifier that uniquely identifies the tag library.

What was the original purpose of the tags?

Essentially, people created tags to enable a deeper level of segmentation beyond what was available with traditional email marketing services. Of course, tags evolved since their early days. Now they achieve their original purpose and then some, as the below table shows.

What is the difference between customization and personalization?

What is customization? Customization is done by the user. Users are asked to identify their preferences and they are then shown things that they prefer. For example, when customers sign up for Netflix, the service asks users to select a few shows they like and then displays a list of options based on those choices.