What is the MySQL version required for Drupal 8?

What is the MySQL version required for Drupal 8?

Required MySQL 5.5. 3/MariaDB 5.5. 20/Percona Server 5.5. 8 or higher with InnoDB as the primary storage engine, and requires the PDO database extension.

Is WordPress better than Drupal?

Compared to WordPress, Drupal is an absolute beast! If you have a web app, or any type of web project that requires user permissions, Drupal’s functionality is hardier than WordPress. Drupal is also more flexible when it comes to API development and its default caching features are more robust out of the box.

What database does Drupal 7 use?

MySQL 5.0
Drupal 7 supports MySQL 5.0.

Is the CiviCRM entity a true Drupal entity?

CiviCRM Entity is a Drupal module which exposes many CiviCRM API entities as true Drupal entity types. That means that almost any module that can use Drupal entities can also access and manipulate CiviCRM data, Drupal style.

What is the minimum version of MySQL for CiviCRM?

Other database servers (such as PostgreSQL) are not compatible with CiviCRM. Your MySQL version should be 5.7.5 or greater or MariaDB 10.0.2 or greater. As of version 5.28 the minimum install version for CiviCRM is 5.6 users on versions before that are advised to upgrade their MySQL instance to a recommended version.

Can you use CiviCRM on PHP 7.2 upgrade?

7.2 upgrade warning – 7.2 does not support MCrypt and if MCrypt is not installed the SMTP password (if entered) will need to be re-saved once you update your PHP version to 7.2. CiviCRM will incorrectly attempt to decrypt the SMTP password using the MCrypt library when executed using PHP 7.1.

What kind of database software do I need for CiviCRM?

CiviCRM requires MySQL (or compatible) database software. MariaDB and Percona are forks of the MySQL project and can be used as drop-in replacements for MySQL. Other database servers (such as PostgreSQL) are not compatible with CiviCRM.