What is the purpose of the Public folder in a Web application?

What is the purpose of the Public folder in a Web application?

A public folder is a quick and easy way to share files and information; the user simply has to move or copy a file into a public folder and it instantly becomes viewable by other users and devices with the proper settings and restrictions set by default by the application.

What is the use of Public folder?

Public folders are designed for shared access and provide an easy and effective way to collect, organize, and share information with other people in your workgroup or organization. Public folders help organize content in a deep hierarchy that’s easy to browse.

What is public directory?

The Public directory (/home/group/public) is used to share files with members in other groups. Users have read access to public files belonging to other groups, but they may not write or add to files of another group. Any user may write and add files to their group’s Public directory.

What is the use of shared folder in MVC?

The Shared Folder in MVC is used to contain all the views which are needed to be shared by different controllers e.g. error files, layout files, etc.

Can I delete the public user folder?

The Public folders are part of the operating system and should not be deleted. They have legitimate uses. Their presence is not harming your computer.

What is the public user folder?

The Public folder is a folder that’s found on all Windows computers by going to “C:\Users\Public”. All the user accounts that exist on your Windows PC or device have access to it. Also, all network computers and devices may have access to it, depending on how you have set your network and sharing settings in Lesson 3.

What are the folders in MVC application solutions?

Visual Studio creates the following folder structure of the ASP.NET MVC application by default.

  • MVC Folder Structure.
  • App_Start Folder.
  • Content Folder.
  • Controller Folder.
  • Fonts folder.
  • Scripts Folder.
  • View Folder.

How do I access my public Folder?

To browse to the Public folders, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. In the left pane, click the gray arrow to the left of Libraries, then click the gray arrow to the left of Documents, Music, Pictures, or Videos to expand the folder list and view the Public folders.

How do I create a public one drive Folder?

OneDrive on-the-web Access your OneDrive space on the web at onedrive.psu.edu. Navigate to where you want the folder to be stored and select “+New” > “Folder”. Name the folder and click “Create”. Hover your mouse over the new folder, click the ⋮ and select “Share”.