What is the recommended bit size of a prime number p in Diffie-Hellman key exchange for security purposes?

What is the recommended bit size of a prime number p in Diffie-Hellman key exchange for security purposes?

2048 bits
Failing that, they recommend that the order, p, of the Diffie–Hellman group should be at least 2048 bits. They estimate that the pre-computation required for a 2048-bit prime is 109 times more difficult than for 1024-bit primes.

What is G in Diffie Hellman?

Diffie Hellman (DH) key exchange algorithm is a method for securely exchanging cryptographic keys over a public communications channel. If Alice and Bob wish to communicate with each other, they first agree between them a large prime number p, and a generator (or base) g (where 0 < g < p).

Why is Diffie-Hellman insecure?

Using Diffie-Hellman group with prime(p or small prime) of size 1024-bit or less leaves the server vulnerable to man in the middle attack (MitM). Communication channels that are secured using this key are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. …

Why do we use Diffie Hellman group numbers?

Diffie-Hellman (DH) groups determine the strength of the key used in the key exchange process. Higher group numbers are more secure, but require additional time to compute the key.

Which is more secure MoDP or Diffie Hellman?

Diffie-Hellman (DH) groups determine the strength of the key used in the key exchange process. Within a group type (MODP or ECP), higher Diffie-Hellman group numbers are usually more secure. Fireware supports these Diffie-Hellman groups:

What’s the difference between Diffie Hellman and RSA?

In a nutshell, Diffie Hellman approach generates a public and private key on both sides of the transaction, but only shares the public key. Unlike Diffie-Hellman, the RSA algorithm can be used for signing digital signatures as well as symmetric key exchange, but it does require the exchange of a public key beforehand.

How are Alice and Bob using the Diffie Hellman method?

Suppose two people, Alice and Bob [traditional names], want to use insecure email to agree on a secret “shared key” that they can use to do further encryption for a long message. How is that possible? The so-called Diffie-Hellman method provides a way.