What is the service contract in Magento 2?

What is the service contract in Magento 2?

In magento2 service contract is a set of classes and interfaces that provide some services that hides the business logic and also provides data integrity, so you can create modules using magento2 service contract layer without worrying about the magento2 upgrades(until any major ones) .

What is a service contracts data interfaces?

A service contract is a set of PHP interfaces that are defined for a module. A service contract includes data interfaces, which preserve data integrity, and service interfaces, which hide business logic details from service requestors such as controllers, web services, and other modules.

What is a Magento 2 service contract exactly?

What is a Magento 2 Service Contract exactly? To be precise, it is a set of PHP interfaces (and possibly classes) residing under a new Api directory of a module. For example, the service contract declared in the Magento_Customer module has the PHP namespace of Magento\\Customer\\Api.

Which is the service layer in Magento 2?

Service layer In Magento 2 is a new layer that lies between Presentation layer and the business logic. The goal is to make all calls from other modules, as well calls from Presentation layer (blocks, templates and controllers) pass through Service layer. Besides that, Service layer can be easily opened as a REST web service or a SOAP endpoint.

What should I know about database in Magento 2?

Before you start, please check the first part: Database in Magento 2: Models, Resource Models, and Collections. There are several important concepts that have been incorporated into Magento 2, such as plugins, dependency injection, and service contracts.

Where are the operational APIs in Magento 1?

The operational APIs for a module can be found in the folder MODULE_NAME_/Api (except for data, which is located in a subfolder). In Magento 1, when you wanted to customize a module, you had to read the core code.