What is the use of resistor in transistor?

What is the use of resistor in transistor?

The role of the collector resistor is to convert the collector current into voltage; its resistance is chosen high enough to saturate the transistor and low enough to obtain low output resistance (high fan-out).

Are transistors similar to resistors?

studiot. The name transistor is a contraction of “transfer resistor”. Of course the transistor can be used as a resistor that is exactly what it is – a controllable resistance. The resistance is between the collector and emitter – we control it by applying suitable signals to the base.

What is diode transistor and resistor?

Diodes only allow current to flow in a single direction. The anode and the cathode are the two electrodes within a diode. An anode allows current to flow from an outside circuit. Whereas a cathode allows current to flow out in a polarized device. A cathode is also metallic.

What is the use of transistors in a circuit?

In a digital circuit, transistors are used as switches . According to various functionality, there are transistors of different types such as for functioning in low and high frequencies, there are low, medium and high power transistors. The core use of transistors include switching applications or both as amplification and switching.

Can I build transistor through two diodes?

The reason that two discrete diodes don’t make a transistor is because the base region must be abutted to the collector region and must be thin compared to the minority carrier diffusion length. Jul 18, 2013

What is the use of transistors in this circuit?

A transistor is an electronic component used in a circuit to control a large amount of current or voltage with a small amount of voltage or current. This means that it can be used to amplify or switch (rectify) electrical signals or power, allowing it to be used in a wide array of electronic devices.

What is the use of a transistor?

The transistor is a semiconductor device and its use to regulate the supply current or voltage. It can be used as a switch in electrical circuits and also use as an amplifier. so here we sort out the main applications of transistor for you. Here we list the applications of transistors.