What is tuning resonant circuit?

What is tuning resonant circuit?

A resonant, or tuned, circuit combines an inductor and capacitor (or mechanical equivalents such as a crystal or MEMS oscillator) to make a circuit that is responsive to a frequency. It may be called an LC or LRC circuit because of the inductive (L), resistive (R), and capacitive (C) components used.

How can you improve the quality factor of a series resonance circuit?

To improve the quality factor of series resonance circuit, ohmic resistance of the circuit should be made as small as possible.

How are resonance and tuning methods hooked up?

Conventional Tuned Circuits Let’s look at some older types of tuned circuits to see how they are hooked up. Fig. 1 shows an air-wound coil and a mechanical tuning capacitor. The induc- tance value of the coil is not changed in this arrangement. Rather, the capacitor is ad- justed to change the resonant frequency of the coil-capacitor combination.

How are radios tuned to different FRE-quencies?

Further- more, a given radio receiver or transmitter will have circuits that are tuned to many fre- quencies. Seldom are all of the tuned cir- cuits adjusted for operation on the same frequency. An understanding of tuned radio- frequency circuits is helpful in your quest for electronics knowledge.

What causes oscillation at the series resonance frequency?

At series resonance, the crystal is a low impedance and the positive feedback connection is what brings about oscillation at the series resonant frequency. The RC feedback around the other path ensures that the circuit does not find a stable DC operating point and refuse to oscillate.

How is a tuning circuit used in a radio?

Tuning or resonant circuit is used in Tuning radio receivers for picking up the signal of a particular station, at a particular frequency, Tuning or resonant circuit consists of: A capacitor of variable capacitance. Induction coil whose inductance can be altered.