What is use of extended events in SQL Server?

What is use of extended events in SQL Server?

Extended events is a lightweight performance monitoring system that enables users to collect data needed to monitor and troubleshoot problems in SQL Server.

How are stored procedures executed?

To execute a stored procedure Expand the database that you want, expand Programmability, and then expand Stored Procedures. Right-click the user-defined stored procedure that you want and click Execute Stored Procedure.

Where are extended stored procedures stored?

Extended Stored Procedures Provided with SQL Server All extended stored procedures (or rather, the references to them) are stored in the master database. A folder in SQL Enterprise Manager under the master database lists the extended stored procedures.

How do you see the last time a stored procedure was executed?

Last Execution Date Time of a Stored Procedure

  1. USE DBName.
  2. GO.
  3. SELECT. O.name, PS.last_execution_time.
  4. FROM. sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats PS.
  5. INNER JOIN sys.objects O.
  6. ON O.[object_id] = PS.[object_id]

What are extended stored procedure?

Extended stored procedures are DLL files which are referenced by the SQL Server by having the extended stored procedure created which then reference functions or procedures within the DLL. Extended stored procedures are always created within the master database, but can be referenced from any database.

Can you see stored procedure parameter values in extended events?

One complaint I’ve received frequently is that you can’t see stored procedure parameter values in Extended Events. That is patently not true. However, it does depend on where and how you capture the events and which stored procedure parameter values you’re going for.

How to track stored procedure execution in SQL Server?

Using Database Audit to Capture SQL Server Stored Procedure Usage. In SQL Server 2008, the SQL Server Audit feature was introduced. With this option, we can use database-level auditing to monitor the stored procedure executions.

Is the duration of a stored procedure captured?

It captures stored procedures, sure, but also captures functions and other things. It’s very useful, but a little different. The duration metrics returned for this, for example, only include internal execution time, not any kind of communication times.

What do the extended events come back like?

If we execute that, the extended events come back like this: We have several more events this time because of the nature of the execution. Two different stored procedures were executed therefore we get module_end and sp_statement_completed events for each.