What is user attributes in Active Directory?

What is user attributes in Active Directory?

The following attributes are defined by Active Directory. Account-Expires. Account-Name-History. ACS-Aggregate-Token-Rate-Per-User. ACS-Allocable-RSVP-Bandwidth.

How can I see the attributes of an object in AD?

How to Find Attributes of Objects in Active Directory

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers and select “Advanced Features“ under “View” tab.
  2. Select any object and check its properties.
  3. Click the “Attribute Editor” tab.

What is C attribute in Active Directory?

2.27 Attribute c This attribute specifies the country/region in the address of the user. The country/region is represented as the two-character country code based on ISO-3166.

What is sAMAccountType in AD?

A sAMAccountType is a single valued indexed(present in the GC) attibute that uniquely defines user objects: 268435456 SAM_GROUP_OBJECT. 268435457 SAM_NON_SECURITY_GROUP_OBJECT.

How do I change the attributes in AD?

About This Article

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Click View.
  3. Check Advanced Features.
  4. Click Properties.
  5. Click Attribute Editor.

What is mailNickName attribute?

mailNickName is an email alias. If you are using Exchange then you would need to change the mail address policy which would update the mail attribute. If you use the policy you can also specify additional formats or domains for each user.

What country code is ad?

Andorra/Dialing codes

Is the wwwhomepage attribute in Active Directory SharePoint?

While looking at the wWWHomePage attribute in Active Directory, a web search found some questions on lousier Q&A sites, that indicate that SharePoint will populate the wWWHomePage attribute on a user in AD with their SharePoint site. The specific question I found was how to turn this off?

Is the wwwhomepage property updated in SharePoint 2013?

In later version of SharePoint, the wWWHomePage property will not be updated in AD, so this feature has been dropped in SharePoint 2013. However, if users upgrades SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013, then the wWWHomePage property in AD will be imported to PublicSiteRedirect property in user profiles in SharePoint.

Where does the wwwhomepage property in AD go?

However, if users upgrades SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013, then the wWWHomePage property in AD will be imported to PublicSiteRedirect property in user profiles in SharePoint. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help.

How are user account attributes changed in SharePoint?

User account attribute changes are collected in batches and processed for UPA synchronization. Times will vary based on the amount of changes requested in a single batch. The UPA synchronization is schedule to run at regular intervals. Will UPA synchronization overwrite existing properties in SharePoint user profiles?