What is UTM in GA?

What is UTM in GA?

“UTM” stands for “Urchin tracking module.” UTM codes are added to the end of regular URL’s and are designed to tell Google Analytics (and other analytics tools) a little bit more information about each link and which marketing campaign it relates to.

How do I track UTM parameters?

You can create UTMs using the Google UTM generator, then paste the links into your social media posts.

  1. Head to the Google Analytics Campaign URL builder.
  2. Enter the URL of the page you want to link to, then enter the values for the parameters you want to track.

Can a utm be used in Google Analytics?

Google Analytics will use UTM data where possible. Where a parameter is not specified via a UTM, Google Analytics will use the auto-tagged value. You must specify utm_source for the override to take effect. If utm_source is empty, then Google Analytics will still auto-tag and not respect any of the UTM values specified in the URL.

How is an ad tracked in Google Analytics?

In order for an ad campaign to be tracked in Google Analytics, advertising links to your website must have tracking parameters appended to them. The GATC code then uses a combination of page URL and referral parameters to identify the campaign being sent.

Which is better Google Ads auto tagging or UTM tagging?

Google helped develop UTMs, and they’ve developed a tracking method specific to Google Ads: auto-tagging. It’s a shortcut that will make your advertising analytics life a lot easier. Auto-tagging automatically tags URLs with gclid parameters about all of your Google Ads campaigns.

How to add UTM parameters to Google Ads?

Instead of adding UTM parameters to every destination URL you have, you simply enter the “naked” landing page URL. Google Ads does the rest, literally at the push of a button. See for yourself. The one-click toggle is available in your Google Ads account settings: Why Use Auto-Tagging for Google Ads?