What is workload group?

What is workload group?

A workload group serves as a container for session requests that are similar according to the classification criteria that are applied to each request. A workload group allows the aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and the application of a uniform policy to all the requests in the group.

What is SQL Server workload?

A workload is a storage object that supports an application. For example, if you create a workload that supports a Microsoft SQL Server application and then subsequently create volumes for that workload, the underlying volume characteristics are optimized to support Microsoft SQL Server.

What is a server workload?

A server workload is a way of thinking about the amount of processing a server will have to do in a fixed period of time. Servers are usually assigned an expected workload when they are built. Their performance can then be measured and analyzed over time.

What is Azure workload?

In the context of a cloud adoption, a workload is a collection of IT assets (servers, VMs, applications, data, or appliances) that collectively support a defined process. Workloads can support more than one process. Often, workloads can be visualized by monitoring network traffic among IT assets.

What’s the difference between a resource pool and a workload group?

Resource pools. A resource pool, represents the physical resources of the server. You can think of a pool as a virtual SQL Server instance inside of a SQL Server instance. Workload groups. A workload group serves as a container for session requests that have similar classification criteria.

How to create a workload group in SQL Server?

Creates a Resource Governor workload group and associates the workload group with a Resource Governor resource pool. Resource Governor is not available in every edition of MicrosoftSQL Server. For a list of features that are supported by the editions of SQL Server, see Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2016.

Which is the best description of a resource pool?

Resource pools. A resource pool, represents the physical resources of the server. You can think of a pool as a virtual SQL Server instance inside of a SQL Server instance. Workload groups. A workload group serves as a container for session requests that have similar classification criteria.

What does a resource pool do in SQL Server?

A resource pool, represents the physical resources of the server. You can think of a pool as a virtual SQL Server instance inside of a SQL Server instance. Two resource pools (internal and default) are created when SQL Server is installed. Resource Governor also supports user-defined resource pools.