What levels should my mix be?

What levels should my mix be?

I recommend mixing at -23 dB LUFS, or having your peaks be between -18dB and -3dB. This will allow the mastering engineer the opportunity to process your song, without having to resort to turning it down.

How do you reference tracks when mixing?

You can set up your reference tracks in two different ways. You can put each on their own track, and align THEIR loudest chorus with YOUR loudest chorus. Then you can just solo the reference to listen to while you’re mixing. You can also put the references farther into the session and give them their own marker.

What are mixing levels?

The mixing levels for each instrument should NEVER go over 0 level, and your mixing levels on your main/stereo out should never go over 0 level. There’s really no need to because overall volume boosts are done in mastering NOT mixing! And, most of the time going over-level means instant distortion on the track.

Whats a good loudness range?

Regarding loudness, A good setting would be from -9 to -13 LUFS with the dynamic range reading on LEVELS not exceeding 8DR. With over 100 million people using Spotify, it’s crucial to make sure your music is heard in its best light. Consider this, the loudest your music will ever be heard on Spotify is about -14 LUFS.

When to use film reference level in Dynamic EQ?

However, film reference level is not always used in music or other non-film content. The Dynamic EQ Reference Level Offset provides three offsets from the film level reference (5 dB, 10 dB, and 15 dB) that can be selected when the mix level of the content is not within the standard.

What’s the best sound level to mix for film?

Many in the industry suggest mixing sound for film at 85dB, but in the smaller room environments this can be too loud, causing ear fatigue and other issues. I suggest mixing at 79dB, and when you think you are done, do one or two passes through at 85dB to double check.

How is reference level used in home theater?

Movies are mixed in rooms calibrated for film reference. To achieve the same reference level in a home theater system each speaker level must be adjusted so that –30 dBFS band-limited (500 Hz – 2000 Hz) pink noise produces 75 dB sound pressure level at the listening position.

What’s the default dynamic range for a movie?

0 dB (Film Ref): This is the default setting and should be used when listening to movies. 15 dB: Select this setting for pop/rock music or other program material that is mixed at very high listening levels and has a compressed dynamic range.