What makes a giraffe a giraffe?

What makes a giraffe a giraffe?

Giraffes are the world’s tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A giraffe’s legs alone are taller than many humans—about 6 feet . These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles an hour over longer distances.

Does a giraffe have 3 hearts?

Three hearts, to be exact. There is a systemic (main) heart. Two lesser hearts pump blood to the gills where waste is discarded and oxygen is received. They work like the right side of the human heart.

What animal family are giraffes in?


Giraffidaegiraffes and okapis. This family includes only two living species, the giraffe and the okapi. These two very different animals are restricted to subSaharan Africa. Giraffids are large (okapis) to huge (giraffes); weights range from around 250 kg to over 1500 kg.

Are there any short giraffes?

Scientists said they’ve stumbled on a stunning sight in two distinct regions of Africa: short giraffes standing under 10 feet tall. 30, said the Ugandan giraffe was identified in 2015, and the second giraffe was observed in Namibia in 2018. …

Why are giraffes tongues black?

The front of a giraffe’s tongue is dark in colour (purple, blue or black) but the back and base of it is pink. Although not scientifically proven yet, many experts believe that this darker pigment is nature’s way of protecting giraffe tongues against ultraviolet rays.

Do giraffes have 2 stomachs?

Giraffes are ruminants and have a stomach with four compartments that digests the leaves they eat.

What is a group of giraffes called?

A group of giraffes is called a tower. These amazing animals can be found in the African plains, and they use their long necks to reach leaves on the tops of trees. It’s their long necks which helped give them their group name, as they are so tall they tower over bushes and other animals!

Is a giraffe’s tongue?

Giraffe use their 45-50 cm long prehensile tongue and the roof of their mouths in order to feed on a range of different plants and shoots, most notably from Senegalia and Vachellia (formerly Acacia) species.

Are giraffes dumb?

Furthermore, the giraffe is a quiet animal that seems to have very little to say. Therefore, many assume that the giraffe is dumb. While giraffes do not communicate often, they do send messages to each other. Giraffes communicate using moans and grunts that you cannot hear because of their frequency.

Can giraffes jump?

Giraffes do not jump. A giraffe can kick in any direction and in a manner of ways, and its kick can not only kill a lion, but has even been known to decapitate (behead) it.

How old are giraffes when they leave their mother?

Female giraffe calves are fully grown by age five and male giraffe calves by the age of seven. Young giraffes may suckle for up to a year, however, they start to sample plants just a few weeks after birth. Giraffe calves are ready to leave the protection of their mother after 15 – 18 months of development.

Why does a giraffe not faint when it is near the ground?

Mitchell and his team report in the July 1 issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology that a hefty, hard-working heart and high blood pressure keep a giraffe free of fainting spells. A giraffe’s head fills with blood when it is near the ground, and blood pressure there doubles.

What kind of spots does a giraffe have?

Its large, 4-sided spots are chestnut brown and do not continue below the knees of the creature. The Southern Giraffe – This giraffe is found mainly in northern South Africa. Its coat has blotchy-star shaped spots that extend all the way down its leg.

What are some interesting facts about a giraffe?

We learned cool facts like: 1 Giraffes are the world’s tallest animals. 2 They eat the leaves, twigs, and shoots from the tops of the acacia trees (and apparently people’s hair too). 3 This mammal has a long purple tongue that can strip the leaves off the thorny branches. 4 A giraffe has thick lips to protect its mouth from the thorns.