What pattern is Razor pages?

What pattern is Razor pages?

Model, View ViewModel
Razor Pages is sometimes described as implementing the MVVM (Model, View ViewModel) pattern.

How do I return a view in IActionResult?

The IActionResult return type is appropriate when multiple ActionResult return types are possible in an action….Miscellaneous Action Results.

Action Method Description
ViewComponentResult An IActionResult which renders a view component to the response.

How do I return a view in Razor pages?

At the moment for Razor Pages, I can only return the object to the same Page by making use the of the [BindProperty] attribute and the return is just basically return Page() and for redirect, I would just use return RedirectToPage(“/Home/About”); .

How automatic model binding in Razor pages work?

Model binding tries to find values for the following kinds of targets:

  1. Parameters of the controller action method that a request is routed to.
  2. Parameters of the Razor Pages handler method that a request is routed to.
  3. Public properties of a controller or PageModel class, if specified by attributes.

Should I use MVC or razor pages?

Though MVC works fine with web apps that have large amount of dynamic server views, single page apps, REST APIs, and AJAX calls, but Razor Pages are perfect for simple pages that are read-only or do basic data input.

Should I use ActionResult or IActionResult?

IActionResult is an interface and ActionResult is an implementation of that interface in ASP.NET C#. There are not more different between IActionResult and ActionResult from usability perspective, but since IActionResult is the intended contract for action results, it’s better to use it as opposed to ActionResult.

Should I use Razor pages or MVC?

MVC works well with apps that have a lot of dynamic server views, single page apps, REST APIs, and AJAX calls. Razor Pages are perfect for simple pages that are read-only or do basic data input. MVC has been all the rage recently for web applications across most programming languages.

How does model binding work?

Model binding is a mechanism ASP.NET MVC uses to create parameter objects defined in controller action methods. The parameters can be of any type, from simple to complex ones. It simplifies working with data sent by the browser because data is automatically assigned to the specified model.

Which is the return method in Razor pages?

Action Results in Razor Pages. Action results in Razor Pages are commonly used as the return type of handler methods and are responsible for generating responses and appropriate status codes.

What does page ( ) do in Razor pages?

The Page () method returns a PageResult, and the RedirectToPage method returns a RedirectToPageResult, so the previous example can be simplified using those methods:

How are action results defined in Razor pages?

Many action results have associated helper methods defined on the Razor Pages PageModel class that negate the need to “new up” instances of ActionResult classes and thereby help simplify code.

Do you need a handler in Razor pages?

Handler methods must be public and can have any return type, although typically, they are most likely to have a return type of void (or Task if asynchronous) or an action result. The following example illustrates basic usage in a single Razor pages file: