What programming language did the Apple-1 Use?

What programming language did the Apple-1 Use?

Integer BASIC
Integer BASIC is a BASIC interpreter written by Steve Wozniak for the Apple I and Apple II computers. Originally available on cassette for the Apple I in 1976, then included in ROM on the Apple II from its release in 1977, it was the first version of BASIC used by many early home computer owners.

Who wrote the Apple-1 Software?

Apple I

Developer Steve Wozniak Steve Jobs
Operating system System monitor
CPU MOS 6502 @ 1 MHz
Memory 4 KB of RAM standard expandable to 8 KB or 48 KB using expansion cards 256 B of ROM
Storage 456kb

How did Steve Wozniak make a computer?

In 1975, Wozniak started developing the Apple I into the computer that launched Apple when he and Jobs first began marketing it the following year….

Steve Wozniak
Known for Co-founder of Apple Inc. Apple I developer Apple II co-developer Pioneer of the personal computer revolution with Steve Jobs

Where did Steve and Woz build their first Apple-1 computers?

An Apple 1 at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View. demonstrated the first Apple Computer that he designed and hand-built at the Homebrew Computer Club in Menlo Park, California in July 1976.

How many Apple-1 computers exist?

Launched in July 1976, the Apple-1 was the first desktop computer released by Apple in the same year the company was founded out of Jobs’ parents’ garage. Wozniak hand-built all 200 of the Apple-1 computers the company made, which sold for $666.66 apiece (Wozniak reportedly had a preference for repeating digits).

What computer did Steve Wozniak design?

Apple I computer
In partnership with his friend Steve Jobs, Wozniak invented the Apple I computer. The pair founded Apple Computers in 1976 with Ronald Wayne, releasing some of the first personal computers on the market.

When did Steve Wozniak build the Apple 1 computer?

In 1976, engineer Steve Wozniak, while working at HP, built the Apple-1 computer from scratch. He finished his work in March 1976. Together with Steve Jobs and Ronald G. Wayne, both working for Atari, they founded the company Apple Computer that would make history and change the world.

How old was Steve Jobs when he made the Apple 1?

Steve Jobs would be 66 years and 4 months old. In 1976, engineer Steve Wozniak, while working at HP, built the Apple-1 computer from scratch. He finished his work in March 1976. Together with Steve Jobs and Ronald G. Wayne, both working for Atari, they founded the company Apple Computer that would make history and change the world.

How many Apple 1 computers were ever made?

Only 200 Apple-1 were produced in total. According to Steve Wozniak, 175 were originally assembled. Steve Wozniak wrote in an email, that a few were made in a pre-production run. This is given by the pictures of the Apple #2 listed in the registry.

Why did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak have an argument?

Apple formation and success. During the design stage, Steve Jobs argued that the Apple II should have two expansion slots, while Wozniak wanted eight. After a heated argument, during which Wozniak had threatened for Jobs to ‘go get himself another computer’, they decided to go with eight slots.

What programming language did the apple 1 Use?

What programming language did the apple 1 Use?

Integer BASIC
Integer BASIC is a BASIC interpreter written by Steve Wozniak for the Apple I and Apple II computers. Originally available on cassette for the Apple I in 1976, then included in ROM on the Apple II from its release in 1977, it was the first version of BASIC used by many early home computer owners.

Who programmed the first working prototype of his concept in integer basic?

His metaphor was “an electronic blackboard and electronic chalk in a classroom.” By the fall of 1978, Bricklin had programmed the first working prototype of his concept in integer basic. The program helped users input and manipulate a matrix of five columns and 20 rows.

Who wrote Apple basic?

Applesoft BASIC

Original author(s) Marc McDonald Ric Weiland
Initial release 1977
Stable release Applesoft II / 1978
Operating system Apple II series
Type Microsoft BASIC

What is a function prototype give an example?

A function prototype is a definition that is used to perform type checking on function calls when the EGL system code does not have access to the function itself. A function prototype begins with the keyword function, then lists the function name, its parameters (if any), and return value (if any).

What is Apple’s most famous product?

The iPhone is Apple’s most popular product, selling 46.89 million units in the fourth quarter of 2018. Apple’s other signature products, the iPad and the Mac computer, sold 9.67 and 5.3 million respectively in the same quarter.

What was SWEET16 used for on the Apple II?

SWEET16 was not used by the core BASIC code, but was later used to implement several utilities. Notable among these was the line renumbering routine, which was included in the Programmer’s Aid #1 ROM, added to later Apple II models and available for user installation on earlier examples.

How does Integer BASIC work on an Apple II?

On the original Apple II this was ROM which held Integer BASIC. With the language card, it was possible to bank-switch in RAM into this area, and DOS would load a binary image of Integer BASIC, the same as the ROM version, into the RAM in this area, which would then run just like ROM Integer BASIC.

How much memory does the SWEET16 interpreter Take?

The SWEET16 interpreter itself is located from $F689 to $F7FC in the Integer BASIC ROM. According to Wozniak, the SWEET16 implementation is a model of frugal coding, taking up only about 300 bytes in memory.

What was the first version of Integer BASIC?

Integer BASIC. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Integer BASIC, written by Steve Wozniak, is the BASIC interpreter of the Apple I and original Apple II computers. Originally available on cassette, then included in ROM on the original Apple II computer at release in 1977, it was the first version of BASIC used by many early home computer owners.