What should an ebook contain?

What should an ebook contain?

10 Essential Features for Ebooks and Whitepapers

  • Great Cover. You know the saying, “never judge a book by its cover?” Well…
  • Attention Grabbing Title.
  • About the Author Page.
  • Table of Contents.
  • Remarkable Content.
  • Data and Statistics.
  • Graphics and/or Charts.
  • Links.

Do Kindle books need table of contents?

This feature is so important to Kindle customers that Amazon requires all Kindle eBooks with chapters or sections to have a working TOC. …

Do eBooks need chapters?

It’s usually better to have, say, 15 short chapters instead of five long ones. If your ebook deals with a broad topic, it may also be appropriate to also split it into three to five different parts. Subheadings or subsections for each chapter, with a list of points detailing information you want to cover.

Should an ebook have a table of contents?

It is usually not necessary for novels to have a Table of Contents inside a print edition, but a Table of Contents is required for all eBooks. a well-designed Table of Contents will enhance the reading experience and accessibility in ways that a print book cannot.

How do you create a table of contents in KDP?

To insert a TOC page:

  1. Go to the Contents pane.
  2. Click your first chapter.
  3. Click the Insert button.
  4. Choose Table of Contents. The list of detected chapter titles will appear.
  5. Click OK to accept. Kindle Create will add the TOC page to your book.

What makes a good eBook?

Choose a title that is both interesting and descriptive — that is, it should be indicative of what the reader will learn from reading the ebook. Unlike blog posts, ebooks are high-commitment pieces of content because of their length, so you need to make sure you’re demonstrating the value up front in a compelling way.

How do I make a table of contents on my Kindle?

You can also jump directly to various parts of a book. Tap near the top of the screen to display the toolbars, and then tap Go To. A pop-up window appears. Use the Go To menu to move to different sections of a book (first-generation Kindle Paperwhite on the left, second-generation on the right).

When should a table of contents be used?

A table of contents is particularly useful when a document is divided into multiple Web pages. There is a distinction between a table of contents and other Navigational elements such as a Navigation Bar or Site Map. A table of contents provides links to sections of the same document.

How do you make a table of contents for an ebook?

Go through your Word document and select the text for each chapter heading and select heading 2. Use heading 1 only for your book title on the title page. You might also want to insert page numbers in the footer if you haven’t done so already. But if you are formatting an ebook, you should not use page numbers for an ebook table of contents.

What kind of table of contents do I need for EPUB2?

There are actually two kinds of Tables of Contents required in EPUB2 and MOBI/KF8 eBooks: the HTML Table of Contents and the NCX Table of Contents. For EPUB3 eBooks, there is actually a third Table of Contents called the NAV.

Is there a level limit for table of contents in an ebook?

This formatting makes the reader understand how the eBook is structured. Please note that the level limit for the NCX is 4, and for the EPUB3 NAV it is 6. For simple novels, a Table of Contents can almost always just have one level. However, you may consider jazzing up the headings so it’s not dull (e.g., “Chapter 1”, “Chapter 2”, etc.)

Is the table of contents in an ebook clickable?

Every element in the Table of Contents should be clickable and take the reader to the appropriate location in the eBook. This can get complicated and there’s a high probability of error, so attention to detail is a necessity.